Trade Full Astrological reading for / Money or abundance fields

Hello! I am a professional astrologer offering my full natal chart reading for any good money or abundance/prosperity field. It normally costs 100$ & includes:

A zoom session of 1:30 - 2:00 hours. Where we will see all the aspects of your natal (birth) chart: your life path, character, finances, possessions, travel, family life, ancestors, father, mother, talents and creative potential, health, routine, partner, experiences of deep transformation , potential abroad, career, social and spiritual life.

Then include the numerology of your name and date of birth. Second a look at your next two planetary periods.

And finally a view of your astrocartographic chart.
In addition, specific questions and any doubts that arise during the session are seen.

Everything is confidential, the session is done by zoom, a digital video platform where I will record the session and I can send it to you so you can see it whenever you want.

Pm me if you want to! Peace!

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Damn are you a collector? lol



Dear desiree!

Not really, just someone that knows that the way is giving.