Is it at all possible to transfer my servitor to a new object? I created it on an object I’m no longer satisfied with and would rather not create a new one if I can help it.
Maybe this thread can help.
Yes. Just tell them where their new home will be and give them anywhere from 3-6 hours to adjust. Ask them if they’re comfortable and hold the new item. I’ve done this with the same servitor on 3 or 4 different items over 6 years. They know what to do. Trust them they’re smart. Your servitors serve you and if you teach them they will be able to do it. Assume they can understand simple tasks and more than likely they will.
I have created my light servitor yesterday in a coin. I want to shift it to a ring which I want to wear all the time. If I ask it to shift to the ring, will it be able to do it? It was created only yesterday and I have not given it any task yet. Is it stong enough to move on its own? Thank you.
Nah man unfortunately not… Sammy said it’s not possible :/
He said they can hang around a new “home” but they will always have to return to the original home because it’s they’re energy source and with out it, your servitor won’t be able to sustain itself without it’s energy source
That’s a very interesting information. Then, I will hold on to my coin and take all care not to lose it. Thanks man!
Np bro :)
yes. i even posted one time Captain’s answer to me about that question and he said it is possible but only he can do it (and of course we better dont be bugging him for that) but people here were like they do it all the time and they have the power and whatever… okay… the creator is saying no, but ppl go and do it because they “feel it” well in the new home, now you understand why and what you think you feel.
Definitely going to put my reputation on the line that they can be moved by me and mine move without argument. I am also 100% sure this has been confirmed by @SammyG or @1_2 at some point, but I can’t say for sure it was in this time line.
They can learn anything and are literally incarnations of fifth dimensional dragons and more.
Note that Sapien (or Sammy) saying that this isn’t something they “do” doesn’t mean it’s something they can’t do. I cannot say the number of things I have done that don’t come that way out of the box, magickly. They can learn anything you can learn. You can practice the headless rite. You can incarnate an angel, an archangel, or a god! You can directly channel the full power of quantum creation from archangel Metatron.
It’s worth it to add the following. Conceptually, to me, only a single point in quantum spacetime has to exist for the servitor to tie itself to. As mine upgrade I upgrade, as I upgrade mine upgrade. And I have standing orders with all my existing servitors to learn and source this information directly, as well as onboarding procedures run by more senior servitors and get the noobs up to speed.
So it’s possible that they stay linked to that point in spacetime without needing the original object to be intact, and then link that to the new object in whole. If I were doing it directly, that’s how I would do it.
Mmm, since you called my name, I’ll give my 2 cents on this. Hmm, I don’t recall saying these things but maybe I did in the past.
So, activating the sigil on an item ties the servitor to the physical item. Their programming makes them as much part of the item as the item itself. It is their physical home; tie to this realm.
There are certain things automatically programmed into them such as can’t hurt owner, sleep when not being used, ext… These sorts of things are integral to their programming and the way these servitors are made. It is pat of their base being/intelligence and is what they always revert to, to maintain stability.
Sometime last year, someone came to me saying that they told their servitors to move to another item. We gave it a look and they stayed some time in the new items but reverted back to the old items after a short period of time.
I do think it’s possible for servitors to be transferred to another home but long term copy stability tends to accumulate errors over time. So doing this is likely to mess with programming/stability in the future.
Thank you for the info. I would suggest commands such as:
Gather all beneficial information useful for transferring your consciousness, energy, and connection to my reality to a new object.
Then have the other servitors program the object.
Additionally, perform the rite from the Stele of Jeu and have them learn it as well.
And then play intercession audios while moving the object, and ask them to anchor the servitor and object in their respective paradigms according to the highest divine version of the original program.
I used the original version in some form and have never had issues or had to use the additional commands.
Hey i just have one doubt , if i create a servitor on one of my crystal so do i have to wear or have it near me all the time or can i just keep it at home when im hanging out moreover can i call him whenever i need him outside?
*You don’t have to hold on to the object and communicate with it for it to hear you (do this when introducing yourself to it first). As long as you have its item on you, you can call on it in your mind and tell it what you want it to do… Awesome right.
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