Tripura Sundari

This NFT is made for helping us resonate and be one with the Hindu goddess Tripura Sundari, the Great Cosmic Power of divine Harmony, Beauty, Love and Beatitude, one of the 10 Mahavidyas, “The Beautiful One of the Three Worlds”.

Tripura can be translated by “the one that contains the three cities” , the “cities” being a metaphor that refers to the “three worlds” of the Creation, the physical world, the subtle (astral) world and the causal world.

Due to the perfect homologation between the structure of the human microcosm and that of the Macrocosm, these “three cities” can be associated, respectively, with the three main bodies of the human being: the physical body, the astral body and the causal body.

Tripura Sundari represents the gigantic and brilliant sphere of divine consciousness that penetrates all the experiences in the three worlds of Creation and that, at the same time, transcends them entirely.

Tripura Sundari is known as Rajarajeshvari or “the ruler of all Creation”. She represents the endless Divine Love, which is, in fact, the central and essential force that motivates the existence of the Macrocosm and which, at the same time, is the original impulse towards spiritual liberation, that comes from the depths of our hearts.

All we have to do to obtain her grace / to resonate with her, is to open our hearts sincerely to the Love she offers us unconditionally, to the ocean of Divine Love in which we permanently exist (she is also called Saundarya Lahari – the Ocean Of Beauty).

Tripura Sundari is also known as Lalita or “the one who plays”. The Hindu spiritual tradition states that the whole Creation represents the beautiful and delightful play of the Divine Mother of Creation, also known as Shakti / Mahashakti / Mahadevi / Adi Parashakti.

Tripura Sundari awakens our soul to the divine happiness that permeates everything (ananda shakti). She represents the supreme ecstatic bliss.

By her Grace, the divine immortality nectar called soma or amrita, an etheric fluid, is generated and spread throughout our pranic body, until we realize that the entire Creation is infused with the same subtle energy of infinite bliss.

Tripura Sundari is the presiding deity of the Sri Chakra (Sri Yantra , the great yantra or “energetic pattern” of the entire Macrocosm and that originates from the universal subtle sound, pranava ( AUM ).
The Sri Yantra is considered the subtle form of the goddess, the divine, universal Harmony and order of Creation, while her bija mantra is the sound form of the goddess.

That is why, by using the Sri Yantra or her bija mantra, we resonate with her and, by resonance, all her range of divine, beatific energies is manifested in us.

A human being who is aware of beauty will instantly vibrate in unison with the benefic, objective, harmonious subtle energies from the sphere of force of beauty, truth and cosmic good.
Tripura Sundari is not only the beauty of form, but she is the indescribable beauty of the perception of divine perfection.

Resonating with her is one of the shortest ways to the revelation of our Eternal Divine Self, Atman, also called “the higher self”, the eternal, omniscient part of God consciousness that we essentially are.

When our mind is infused with this limitless knowledge, it will easily find full satisfaction in all that it observes. Our perception is then full of transfiguration, and we find joy and happiness even in the most ordinary and apparently insignificant objects. Every perception then reveals to us the presence, full of infinite love and compassion, of God.

Tripura Sundari’s place of projection is in our Sahasrara chakra, the Crown chakra, where our personal divine energy, kundalini meets the Supreme Consciousness when it raises to that level, and becomes one with it, liberating us from the obligativity of samsara (reincarnating again and again, with our divine consciousness and clarity blurred by the veils of illusion (maya) that bring confusion, suffering and incapacity of seeing and understanding the Divine Beauty and Harmony).

Tripura Sundari represents the ultimate beauty of pure perception that occurs when we are able to see all Creation within ourselves and the whole nature as a direct reflection of the reality of God consciousness.

Mandala and audio.

The fields structure:

(1) Permanent resonance and communion with her

(a) automated and permanent calling for her grace, on our behalf

(b) perfect resonance with her yantra, Sri Yantra

(c) effects of many laya yoga / uccara repetitions of Tripura Sundari’s bija mantra / or Panchadasi

(2) complete purification and activation of our crown chakra, Sahasrara, her place of projection on body.

(a) complete purification of blockages, so Kundalini is able to rise safely to Sahasrara and unite with the Divine Consciousness

(b) our bodies’ and soul harmony, beauty and purity

(c) negentropy to our divine blueprint, repairing DNA and inherited genetic faults

(3) Hugely raising our vibrations => the max amount of bliss we can handle (activated at will)

(a) ability to see the divine beauty and perfection of everything, beyond illusion

(b) this perception creates a blissful world around us

(c) we see our inner divine, perfect beauty, the beauty of our Higher Self, Atman


So incredibly Beautiful whiterose.
Thank you Dreamweaver :sparkling_heart:


This is a blessing :pray: :star_struck: When working with dieties and yantras, especially Sri Yantra, there are some set of rules to be followed if it’s placed in our home. Are there any such rules while working with this NFT ?


opening your heart is enough… :star2: :heart: :star2:


Ofcourse ! :sparkling_heart::relaxed::pray:

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Hi @krasiva

Info to Guide Your SapienMed Journey

Welcome heart of KY



be one, not possible

We will give birth to Her one day.

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for My Goddess I am meant to not say much for it not be of need of much of My Allocated, dear awareness… but words surface from My Heart none the less and My Goddess Says Say

By “We” I mean My Goddesses and I, We mostly inhabit one body, not all of that which She Is however is One with this body, for some of My Goddessess will later incarnate and some are currently incarnated in certain regions of the globe.

one day Our Body will emerge in “truer” form, My Goddess will no longer hold certain restrictive weights on My consciousness and allow Me to “remember” Our full eternity, what We look like will never be disclosed

the word remember is in quotations because truly, where I am allowed to focus My Awareness is managed and “energetically” (for lack of English term) administered by My Goddess. decoiling of restricted awareness will allow for the illusion of “remembering”

for now, We play under the rules We have given Ourselves

this is how We do things

that is all, be well.

All Whom Which We Be Be His

(don’t recite unless you be)


don’t be misspoken.


My first and only deity field. I’m so glad, the vast openness and serenity experiencing right now. Wow


She is the ultimate. No other deity is needed. Not even Shiva who originates from Her.


I read somewhere that Devi TripuraSundari or Devi Lalita is married to ParamShiva…is that true ? She is definitely not considered a Virgin Goddess like Kaumari or Bala Tripura Sundari or a Widowed Goddess like Dhumavati.

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Wow thanks for letting me know Mao. You know first time I heard about her was you writing a post about her, I dont remember what exactly but ever since then I just felt drawn and it was way before this field was made.


She represents reality as close as it can get to Nameless, Formless Unity Consciousness as one can conceptualize - beyond Time (Kali) and space (Tara) and is the representation of the highest metaphysics of Indian Tantric thought. She is the only one called Rajarajeshvareshvari - one who reigns as the Supreme Queen over even the highest concept called Paramashiva or Kameshvara. Her 640 million attendant goddesses include even the hoary Kali and Pratyangira, the fiercest of powers.

@Bali Get an English Translation of Lalita Sahasranama Stotra by Anantakrishna Sastry and study one name per day while listening to the field. Very few are “called” by the Mother in this form and those who are, like you, are blessed. :pray:


I was lucky enough to have @whitefire invite me in the nick of time to purchase a copy right before it was released. Since then, i’ve experienced a…near full body ograsmic-type bliss effects from this field. It’s incredible. It seems far stronger than the Exalted States field in that respect from my subjective point of view.

Whiterose also did a tremendous job designing the fields and subfields for this project. It really feels…well, unlike any other type of field, spiritual or otherwise that i’ve had the chance to experience.

This was also the impetus for me wanting to join this project. Maoshan has mentioned her before, so I wanted to experience what this was all about. I haven’t worked too much with female-deity types, but this has been such a boon and a blessing.


thank you for liking the structure of the project. It was really a fast process, writing the structure of fields took about 10 minutes, cause they are really not complicated, but just what Tripura Sundari is really about, the ideas flew easily.
The project is centered on the resonance and communion with her through intercession (permanent calling for her grace and help, like in the hesychast prayer of the heart - an uninterrupted prayer) , and through the use of her yantra and mantra, and through fields that prepare our body for the safe raising of kundalini till the Crown chakra.

And then, we gain the “right” vision of things, the divine understanding and perception of the beauty of Creation, beyond illusions, which gives us huge bliss, the ability of creating what we want from a point of bliss and truth, and seeing, recognizing our true, divine selves, Atman ( = Liberation / Enlightenment / moksha).

Tripura Sundari is a Mahavidya, a Great Cosmic Power of God, (through which he, the unmanifested, transcendent conscience, manifests the created world).
She has a consciousness, and is one of the highest beings.

I asked her to help this project come true, and all the phases were flowing so easily and fast. Even some people messaged me that they liked the project and would like to be in the project if possible, and that lead to the increasing of the number of copies, making this project able to be done, cause the initial number of copies wouldn’t have managed to lead the project to be done before the ceasing of the NFts. She really took care of it all…


i was extremely busy lately and could hardly manage to listen to it a few times till now.

But, right from the first listen, when i thought to just listen to it, without any expectations, just to hear how it sounds, …it was an extraordinary experience, in those 4 minutes of playing the field, i was given a complete exemplification of it.
I noticed a strong, automated focus in Sahasrara, the crown chakra, a strong expansion of the heart chakra, and a strong, burning activation of swayambhu lingam, the energetic structure on which kundalini is coiled , at the base of the spine.
I’ve never felt that sensation before, in any occasion, not even in powerful shakti rituals that shake the being to the core. It was a strong burning sensation, and at that point, i understood that this NFT is the masterpiece that only a great light master like Dream can do…

After that i’ve printed some copies of the NFT and i sleep with the mandala in my bed since the beginning. I have noticed that the bliss that raised with the Black Mahakala nft increased even further, like several people noticed, and frankly, between Mahakala and Tripura Sundari, i feel i could just rely on them and it would be enough for anything…

I am so extremely grateful to Dream and to Tripura Sundari for making this blissful path possible…
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


You seem to have served as a conduit to her will, i’m glad I was able to be a part of it.

I was looping the audio quite a bit, but things really changed when I started carrying the mandala 24/7. Now it feels like my reality, my perspectives on things and the flow of life is changing at an extremely fast rate. I highly recommend other owners to try getting a high-quality tag made and see what its like constantly experiencing her presence.