Upcoming Premiere - Essassani Energy Infusion Meditation

I think you will have some good experiences then, unlike arcturians or sirians, well I would even say arcturians are more open to show themselfs on Arcturian Meditation unlike Sirians, I tried all of the meditations, Pleidians or Andromedians (not sure which name) and Essessanis are one of those who are more open to show themselfs.

Milky Way and Orion are highly perciveable too, and I think the higher the spiritual advancement of these beings goes, the more picky they become. I might be wrong tho.

This is just my experience and I am no meditation master that is crazy or anything, just take your time, lay down or sit however you meditate and let it flow.

Never did I saw any sirians nor pleidians/andromedians (as said, dunno what the blue skin race is called which I saw)

I might switch things because Iā€™m not sure of the name, I saw the blue skin race, I thinks its andromeda and not pleidians.

Thas just some experiences really, maybe I did all in one of these meditations about 18 or so over the course since they came out, but yes, very fun to do and a good practice to establish contact since these fields help you a lot.

Not seeing them doesnt mean you dont have contact, not at all, Sirians for example might not show themselfs but guide you, the same applies for different races.

Still a good training trying to see these beings

Oh wait yes, pegasus is one of which I didnt saw either, my bad, but I didnt really do that one much.

The more you meditate on these things the more stable your connections to these beings becomes

I guess goes without saying

and yes everybody has a different experiences, thas just mine

Arcturian experiences are the weirdest Ive had tho


Is that why you call yourself Kosmonavt? :slight_smile:

I believe with whom they show up, besides your personal soul, energy and level of advancement, has also a lot much to do with at which of these civilizations you also have parallel incarnations (I say parallel because time is an illussion).
And letā€™s not forget that the Higher Self also has a say in all of thisā€¦


haha no, I think we are all kosmonavts/astronauts/Space traveler etc. traveling this universe and existence in every way possible

overall it reminds me of old russia and how these people might have felt going to space for the first time, the energy is very different from astronaut in my eyes

yes these things play a big factor, I guess these beings are way more perceptive of reality and timelines therefore theres high chances you have easier time connecting

as said many many factors, maybe even because your soul is so advanced youā€™re able to interact with all these beings, as you said or not even advancent but maybe pure and good, a good heart maybe, I dont think they would judge a soul only by advancement, more by the persons heart and how much good is in that person

These galaxys are very big tho, Milky way seemed for me like a mix up of different races from different galaxys just being there and well, I guess having fun ?

I think I should sooner or later if no one else does it meditate on these galaxys more and maybe write an essay or something, or you will do it since arcturians directed you to practice communication skills, Ill look forward to your essays :wink:

and well it might take me years to get there

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A pure heart.
A pure intention.

ā€¦Are some of the most important factors to open oneself up vibrationally for communication and help from higher and/or more advanced and/or more knowledgeable beings.

Oneā€™s true intent cannot be faked and aliens can see through all of those human (ego) games and illusions.




Ao8 months ago

We are all on the same journey, blessing of love guide us may bad things be gone and good things always on our sides may we give love get love and be love evolve the spirit find peace in our mind and survive the problems of the body may you find peace and love within to let it shine to the outside heal the world. Peace love protection and good luck, wisdom and freedom always with us, love is the law and love is the rebellion. May things be better soon. For you and for me. If you seek love be love, if you seek peace be peace you attract the things that you are, If you want to be healing, ā€žBEā€œ healing, like healing others and yourself if you seek love give love for if you give love you spread paradise. May love be with us. Remove all pain and heal all the good people blessings and abundance be on our side. Tonight as we sleep all our problems fade away, all bad stuff is gone, like rain that would wash away the tears and pain give new power to the flowers in the earth to grow. May things be better. We all seek love. Be love. Give love. Never be afraid. You deserve to be healthy, happy and loved.


Gina Aresa year ago

This is for starseeds like Sapiens


Ken Stephensa year ago

These space ones are definitely different, and Iā€™ve listened to a few minutes of a few of them but canā€™t quire make up my mind about them. I do like them but Iā€™m wondering about the opportunity cost of others which are better. Spending this long on a track isnā€™t my cup of tea either. Still though, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be back for more to at least better satisfy my curiosity.


Agape122a year ago

I had no idea about that planet. How are the beings there? Could there be starseeds here from there?


Kelly Knauth Brown2 years ago

I canā€™t explain how much this one above all feels like home. This one absolutely resonates with me and grounds me. How the fuck?


Kelly Christine2 years ago (edited)

This had me shaking with pure light and love resonance. WTF? And communicating telepathically with both people and beings I am certain are real!!! Anxiety gine! Vibration lasted into the nexxt day! I never wanted this to end!


old tiger2 years ago

Awesome, videoā€¦:milky_way::vulcan_salute:


Tachan2 years ago

I wonder what would BASHAR say about this? :D I bet heā€™d be excited about it!! If anyone is interested in the Essassani, you should check out Bashar - channeled by Darryl Anka . INCREDIBLE MINDBLOWING STUFF! Bashar is an Essassani being from the future who is in contact with Earth to help us ascend into the next level. :)


Wojtek Pejo3 years ago

Wow so Sapien know about Bashar, thatā€™s didnā€™t suprise me, because clearly he/they follows highest excitment, big thanks for this! :pray:


Faredri3 years ago

Essassani - Place of Living Light


LesG3 years ago

This eases my anxiety. Thank you.


TheDark3 years ago (edited)

Anyone know benefits


PSI PATH3 years ago

it gives very good vibe


Ethansunny3 years ago

Thank you, Dreameaver!


YOUR DIVINE MESSENGER3 years ago (edited)

According to what I have been reading about this star system race by listening to this we should all start to comunicate telepathichaly bc they dont use language anymore and also they dont eat,drink or sleep. They feed themselves with light. And also Essassani means places of living light. They are 4D dimensional beings,they have sex without touching each other . For them every timeline exists all at once. They are very connected to Sirius star system.


RompeTuSilencio3 years ago

Would this meditations be available thru Patreon?


A.I Chat-Creator3 years ago

Should we use headphones for this?


StarSeed3123 years ago (edited)

Omgggggg I am mesmerized !always wanted to feel this connected to space


RosemaryDragonbzf3 years ago (edited)

CAPTIVATING! This has beautiful depth. Being a diver, this could seriously be a depth exploration in the ocean. Very enjoyable. Thank you.


Mandy Candy Power3 years ago

How do you know this??? :flushed::sun_with_face::heart_eyes:


Dio Brando3 years ago

Hey Sapien, could you make a video to heal hyperhidrosis, please?


Jossette Monroe3 years ago (edited)

Iā€™m having a very deep connection with this energyā€¦ it pulls me in like a warm hug making me feel at easeā€¦at home. Iā€™m feeling it strongly in my solar plexus, third eye and crown chakras. Wow! This is so intense, truly amazing. Excellent work, Dream!


Itā€™s just Huy3 years ago

Itā€™s going down man! Woot! Marvin the Martian time!


Nitin Sawant3 years ago

Please make for Arcturians also


Nitin Sawant3 years ago

ohh Bashar is smiling nowšŸŽ‰


Marise Fennell3 years ago

Facinating to learn of these beautiful stars and planets. Deep gratitude. :heart:ā˜†:heart:ā˜†


pinkette3 years ago

Omg all these new vids!!! <3


keshav dasari3 years ago

What do we feel from this energy

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