Upcoming Premiere - Essassani Energy Infusion Meditation

we need research of course, then explore and apply new techniques
of course the past is what you learn from.
unless you willing to fund a lab. (then by all means)


How come they’re still figuring out a cure for male pattern baldness though? Surely the research must be the same and they should’ve figured it out?

Or a field that works purely on consciousness?

Like how the meditation field brings your awareness to the present moment, something similar?

the research is,
most medicine and research is made to suit what they can market.
in fact……… researchers only work when they are paid to conduct research.
it is a normal thing.
in the end, everyone must eat.


That makes sense. So modern medicine has the potential to be far beyond what it is now but the only reason they’re not is so they can milk as much money as possible out of the commonfolk?

if this could be easily patented and rights sold to larger companies,
be certain it would be very mainstream.


Well then I sure hope it doesn’t haha.

Because Dream keeps it scientific.

The releases will be public, plenty of “spiritual” ways to create a lucid dreaming field.

But people will call him satanic etc if he does, you know how trolls are.


its been like that for a while.
a member here suggested watching the plandemic videos, I suggest you watch a few also.


Hahaha sacrificed knowledge of the real world for medical knowledge I guess. Plus I’m on the autistic spectrum soooooo



A sleep paralysis field with unconditional love would easily trigger a lucid dream tho.

Like instantly lol


what… LOL

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That’ll be the future goals. Right after I can regenerate my skin, get stronger and mayyyyybeeee gain 3 inches of height at 21?? (I’m hopeful but if it doesn’t happen oh well).


You enter sleep paralysis, ego starts creating evil beings, its just in your head, Harry.

If he adds unconditional love, OR the “pure peace and joy” field with it, you’ll be in a good state of mind and eazy lucid dream/astral travel


Hahaha pretty much. It’s kinda what got me into all of this haha

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evidence, proof to self ;)


It would be an “astral travel” field, not lucid dreaming… :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

I’m guessing skin is what got you here as well? :smiley:

Nah, astral traveling from paralysis has some other tweaks to it, astral self has to be in a good condition too + you gotta will yourself out.

90% of the time youre just gonna drift to the dream world.


I see. Personally I want as healthy looking a body as possible. For vanity reasons…