Urge to vomit

Any fields that help stopping the urge to vomit? This urge is mostly because of indigestion of last night’s dinner.

Full Body Detox!


I hope you feel better soon :slightly_smiling_face:


My dad felt ill after eating something that didn’t agree with him, so i looped this while he was lying on the couch and he felt much better after 2 loops.


eat a gauava and/or a flat spoon of carom seeds with lukewarm water. you’ll be good


Hello, I saw this post a little late, I hope you are better now. But if something like this happens to you again it is better that you vomit, do not force your body to digest something that it does not want or cannot digest, the purpose of vomiting is to get something out of your body that is hurting you or that you cannot tolerate. Yes, it is unpleasant, but it will only be a few seconds and then you will feel much better. :relaxed:


I know it’s been three days but hope it helps someone else, ‘Nausea aid’ from PU’s patreon, hands down the best, atleast for me, to stop the urge to vomit instantly.

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