Urgent Ask: can i create an email for my friend and register him a phantom wallet, without his acknowledgement?

Urgent. Thanks

  1. As per title, if i created an email for my friend, and then create a phantom wallet based on that, then buy Max Heal for my friend who is at 4th stage of colon cancer, would he receive the Max Heal full benefit without his acknowledgement that he is the owner of the NFT?

  2. What other NFTs that are best to tackle Cancer? I feel my friend does not have too much time left…at most 1 year. But after another 10 sessions of chemo, my prediction may have changes.
    (maybe Eternal, smarter rife?)

Morphic field or sound healing is very modern, and his mind is geared toward scientific proven method. His body suffered 10 chemotherapy, and there are more to come…

Thank you for all the kind consideration.


I can only wish you good luck. I hope he finds healing however.

Are you sure you can’t make him agree to listen to a field? Othwerwise you keep bothering him? Or maybe…to challenge his “skepticism”…tell him to run an experiment. Then afterwards he can be right all he wants.

I don’t know man. But good luck. You’re a good friend ^^


At this stage I would try anything (which is basically how I got here). He’s got nothing to lose. I wish you luck if you do tell him, it might make things easier, speedier, and more reliable :)
I wish you and your friend all the best, and I hope you find the ideal solution for him! :hugs:


Did the same for my mom to make her use one NFT that I bought for her, without her knowing about the email or the purchase (she’s aware of the image though, as I gave it to her explaining its purpose briefly). I’m pretty positive it has been working for her… so it should work for your friend too.
I would advise against not telling him at all though, better if he’s aware of the help you’re trying to give to him, even if he doesn’t believe in it.


Thank you. I know this dude for 35 years since Hong Kong to Canada. Somehow, we still live in the same city even we have moved around.

I know i can talk him into it, but not sure about his wife. His wife is more logical than me, and more scientific and westernized…so telling her sound therapy or energy therapy is hard. I don’t want to create friction…

to me, my friend has nothing to lose as he is already entering the ‘last’ stage of his life if nothing is done now.


thanks for the blesisng


So you did create account and wallet through you, without your mom doing anything? Do you think through passive setup for your mom (like, not done by her will), does NFT effect have decrease?

And what NFT do you use for her health, so i have some idea what to load into that wallet. Thanks


Exactly what i was going to tell him

@Mucc , You can tell them my aunty had level 1 colon cancer and got cured.

Now shes just listening to radiation one + plasma rich platelet one on loop to reverse the chemos damages and regenerate cells etc.

You can read more here:

And this is what ive said if they are afraid at first or skeptical and it always works:


Please tell him that you bought this NFT for him. I mean, logically speaking how can an NFT work if the owner himself doesn’t recognize the fact that he owns it? However , since the nfts are smart and sorts of intelligent it should be able to find out if he owns it or not but I wouldn’t risk it.
So it’s a kind of confusion. Although I believe captain can answer best. But I remember him replying to someone that asked if he can buy NFT for a person that doesn’t know he owns it. Like he will buy it for someone and the person wouldn’t know that it was bought for him. Captain said that he should let the person know that NFT was bought for him. I guess it’s due to the fact that there’s a matter of someone’s free will. And besides there’s no harm in telling him anyway even if he doesn’t use the field actively as it should also keep working for him passively by just having it. But if I were you I’d ask him to use anti cancer audio as well. Or you can play whenever you’re around him in low volume if he doesn’t intend to listen by himself. But don’t take my words for granted tho and better to confirm directly.


I don’t believe it would be a matter of decreased effect, either it works… or it doesn’t.
Your choice of Max Heal Potion seems like a good one to me, as for other NFTs I don’t know, since he’s in a highly debilitated condition you don’t want to overwhelm him with too much stuff imho (doesn’t mean you cannot or shouldn’t add other NFTs, just I’m not sure which ones to recommend honestly)… maybe some audio fields specific for his condition would be more appropriate.
Diseases like cancer very often have a soul and/or karmic component behind them, so along with the help of fields personally I would pray for his full recovery while also visualizing him daily in robust health…

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I think if you want max healing you have to use anti cancer on him, even if you just play the field around him without telling him. Also one of the jing fields so his body has more energy to tackle the cancer. Then the NFTs can continue to work on him when you’re not around.

@ Lunamoon22 @Azin @noOne @V33

Thank you for all the replies here. I was highly occupied with a wedding and post production, and i did not have free time until now.

So the situation is, i made a youtube list with 4 tracks only, and he is not too interested about it, or have fear that these unknown ‘products’ could affect his chemotherapy result. hence i stopped the direction of creating an email account/phantom account for him As at the end, it is created by me, so technically, i wil still be the owner, except i change the email address. If i don’t tell him, his soul may reject the help, or his karmic debts will prevent the helps reach the needed area. It’s like i am forcing my friend to accept something he does not know, or against about. Technicially, i am invading his privacy or his ‘walls’.

hence, i stop this direction of help, but actually bought him a PEMF mat (Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy). It is used by NASA (American spaceman) and cleared by FDA. To me FDA no longer has any authority to me, but my friend wants to have some ‘solid’ scientific back up products…so yeah, that’s the best i can do. The next i will look at is red light therapy with medical grade. Once again, thanks everyone for the great suggestion.