URGENT: Belly fat removal?

So i do eat a lot of sugar, which I’m trying to stop by listening to a sugar detox from QI and stopping sugar altogether. Though, what are the best audios to listen to, to get the best belly fat removal? I have been listening to the core strengthening formula and fat burning for months (it helps me stay around the same weight and I have more visible abs now), though the fat is still there and I realised it is the sugar that doesn’t help. Is the fats to stem cells or pancreatic or detox audio sapien made more suitable for removing fat and aiding in my “sugar addiction”, or is there something better?


All of those could help. You might try Endocrine System Rejuvenation and Diabetes Type I and II Treatment as well, as they could help with pancreatic and hormonal dysregulation that can contribute to sugar cravings.

Far Infrared Light Therapy and Fat Burning Genetic Advantage can help with detoxification and weight loss.

Overcome Any Addiction and Unstoppable Willpower will help you with the sugar addiction.

There is also a Weight Loss item in Sapien’s online store which includes the desire to eat more healthily.

There is a Hypothetical Weight Loss Stack on this forum in the Lists of Hypothetical Stacks thread. Some of the audios there may help you too.


thank you so much! Stay safe!


Also, use the “Stomach toning” one too because unlike the others, if you read the description carefully…it states that it creates apoptosis to fat cells…this means that not only does it make you slimmer, but the more you use it the more permanent the results will be…Fat cells determine how much fat you put on…so the less fat cells you have, the thinner you’ll be ultimately…And like Uial said, “Fat burning genetics” is what you’re looking for too because it doesn’t let your body store sugar as fat, but instead for energy…