Urgent help please pliss

yeah that’s progress ;)

just rest, dont drink alcohol today. you can make your life a bit easier if you eat “higher vibe” foods today which is vegan or at least vegetarian. If you eat meat either it helps bring you down to normal or it will make you sick. you can probably tell by how the smell makes you feel. There are vegetarian foods that provide grounding like root vegetables, some beans/lentils, ginger.

In the future you can keep listening to plasma, but there is a “guideline” suggested in the topic which is to listen for a few minutes (2-3) and then stop and listen to grounding/schumann for the same amount of time. Then you can go back to plasma if you feel ok (some people can only listen to plasma 1x 2-3 minutes/day for weeks, it’s okay to go very slow), then grounding again…
so increasing slowly and monitoring how you feel.




this looks a lot like hallucinogenic mushrooms. it’s like eating about 8 grams.


I won’t be able to hear this audio in a month?

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I jumped in the pool 3 times it was the best.


what do you mean? The recommendations?

If I were you, I would give it a few days rest then see how you feel. You don’t have to wait for a month before listening again, but if you feel like you want to, I understand :D

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my detox symptoms and the experience is similar to mushrooms. with the perception of things and the senses … The recommendations are very good, thank you very much for that …


Btw i dont know if youve seen this album?

This is for pets :blush:

I dont feel anything when i play it for them and they love it, always sleep deep when its on, since you said it was for your cat


Thank you very much, I hope it helps you to eliminate the skin cancer, it is an Albino white cat and her ears have wounded sores, the worst thing is that she is old, she is more than 9 years old and the cancer produced a melanoma on her eyelid and she has wounds open that ooze pus. His pet name is MONINA if you can send him healing energy and love I will thank you very much … they are a great group of wonderful beings. thank you so much…


I hope your cat heals soon💕 and you too

Also if you getting better. Try using this one for your cat https://youtu.be/jdh08ae7gWk

While the video playing. Try to touch your cat and intentionally sending the healing energy


Hoy amanecí muy bien con un sentimiento de paz y vacío. Sin duda me desprendí de malos pensamientos, malas emociones y en definitiva fue una desintoxicación en todos los niveles mente cuerpo y alma. Pasaron muchas cosas locas durante los efectos del audio. Primero sentí muchos mareos y nauseas comenzó a ver todo como con efecto paralax. Eso me asusto mucho pues no sabia que me estaba pasando … yo escuche el audio para sanar a mi gato y lo escuche en la noche y los efectos sucedieron a las 3 de la tarde de otro día. Perdí la noción del tiempo por lo que tuve que poner una alarma en mi teléfono para beber un vaso de agua cada media hora. pero se sintió como dos horas. Tuve diarrea y orine mucho, también tenia frio por dentro pero mi piel estaba caliente. Nade en la piscina y eso me ayudo mucho también me mantuve descalzo sobre el césped y tomando sol. Gracias que todos ustedes estaban allí para ayudarme y darme sus consejos. Estuve escuchando la resonancia schuman y la puesta a tierra automatizada toda la tarde. Este sentimiento de vacío actualmente se ve muy alterado porque me ha dado mucha dependencia emocional de mi pareja y esto me ha tenido con mal ánimo. Aun no recobro las fuerzas en un 100% pero tengo una energía mas estable. Mi cabeza aun tiene algo de dolor o presión. Lo bueno es que antes de ayer tenia un severo dolor en la rodilla que me impedía subir escaleras o caminar por mucho tiempo este problema ya se solucionó en un 80%. Quería saber ¿Qué beneficios han obtenido de escuchar este audio? O ¿cual es mayor efecto positivo que a cada uno de ustedes les ha tocado vivir con este audio.? Muchísimas gracias por su apoyo ayer fue realmente maravilloso saber que había allí alguien conmigo. Mil gracias…


I’m glad it’s going better for you and the physical pain is gone too.

There is a thread about the audio (search for plasma light in topics), there are so many comments it will take you several days to read through :slight_smile:


I went through a similar experience and took a month off. I went back to fields today and started with one loop of SLR only to teat the waters. It wasn’t horrible but I did get nausea and a little bit of dizziness. What do you believe the next step should be for me? I did some grounding after and it felt better.

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The next step depends on what you are looking for. But here there is a lot to learn in the forum anyway the search is personal and unique. Just trust your gut and stay out of the shadows.

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