Urinary Incontinence Field

So I’m looking to purchase the urinary continence field on gumroad, does anyone know if results are permanent or how long they last?

Also, what exactly does it do? I know it strengthens pelvic floor muscles, but it says it also induces muscle growth? It doesn’t really give a detailed description and honestly have no clue what half of it means…


Stem cell and scar tissue removal (use this)


For what exactly, the pelvic floor?

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Welcome to the Forum!

Think about it this way: I’m assuming you’re familiar with exercise–maybe calisthenics or weightlifting or perhaps yoga. When you exercise, do those results match what you’re meaning when you ask about “permanent”?

Because in some ways, they could be called “permanent,” in that, after enough exercise, you can still carry some “heavy” things around. Maybe those things aren’t as heavy as the weights that you’d lifted, but you had exercised enough to cause your body to grow enough muscle so that you’d leveled up your strength and now you might be calling that level up “permanent.”

And, like exercise, if your results are no longer sufficiently “permanent,” what’s the big deal? You just go back to doing what gave you your results, right?

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That’s true. I was just wondering because it includes other benefits as well so I wasn’t sure!

What specifically might you still be unsure of about this field?

“For muscle growth there will be platelet derived growth factor AB targeted directly to the muscles.”

Not quite sure what that means in those terms, I assume it just strengthens the muscles?

Also, do you think it’d be a bad idea to listen to the field if I don’t have incontinence but still want to strengthen those muscles?

That’s where your friend, google, comes in handy. So, you can learn what that is and how that might affect your personal situation.

We all have different approaches. For me, I’m not one for wanting to assume much of anything when it comes to applying it to my body or myself. I personally prefer to research for myself.

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A “bad idea”? No, because this field does strengthen those muscles.

I’m not really understanding what your ultimate successful goal is (and it’s really none of my business) but I’m wondering if Sapien’s muscle fields might be more helpful for you. Maybe you want to look into them?

I’m assuming after a long enough time it will be permanent.

As a teenager I was doing these types of exercise (though I also had some medication) to stop “urinary incontinence” at night.

It took almost a year to really see progress and months more to get to zero leaks.

Never had any problem since.

I’m pretty sure you won’t need to listen anymore once you break through (and I’m sure it will take half the time I needed max)

Your muscles will have mini workouts every-time you hold yourself and your mind will also adapt to the rhythm and feel. It’s sustainable, since it doesn’t take a lot of muscle to fix urinary incontinence.
Like getting enough muscle in your legs to walk, it can be hard to get if your legs atrophied but it’s sustainable just by walking sometimes.


It exercises your pc muscles. And in exercise there is exhaustion, just read the description of the automated workout system audio on YouTube, it uses the same technique of RevErb to provide those muscles a workout. From there you should understand how does it provide exercise to those.muscles.

Apart from that it’s an advanced form of pelvic floor excercise, so read about them and their benefits.

It’s exercise so like normal exercise use it daily or atleast three days a week

I have just bought and listened to this incredible field and the truth is that the effect has been felt immediately, I do not have any problem of urinary incontinence, but I was looking for something to exercise and strengthen the pelvic floor and I think this field is perfect, after listening to it twice the effect I have had has been like I had a massage throughout the pelvic area, it seems as if I had had contracted the whole area and after listening to the field had relaxed the whole area, it is very nice this feeling.


I just want to leave a review for this amazing field in case it may help others.

I have had two children and I was starting to have trouble with things like if I was jumping or sneezing I could have a leak sorry TMI. I was getting worried as whenever I was out in public if I needed to pee it would be so painful so I would refrain from having any drinks etc to avoid this.

I bought the field back in October and I aimed to listen to it 2-3 times a day I never was 100% consistent with it but wow this works!!

I know it has worked as I can skip with a rope with no worries, I have sneezed my head off during the last week and zero leakage…this was when I really realised that the field has worked amazingly well for me :smiley:

Thank you so much Captain :dizzy:


Hello, where is this fabulous field, I do not find it on gumroad?

i found it here, is that genuine? https://www.wisme.us/checkout/ - i do not want to use bitcoin or paypal;

The only TRUE way of getting it now is through here: