@chainjoker What Philip said is valid.
According to me one cannot completely depend on Sapien field alone. What ever the field Dreamweaver created, it takes effort from our part as well to work really well. We cannot think that we are going to lose weight or we are going to be positive at every aspect of life just by hearing or wearing Dreamweaver’s field. You should actually think or do stuffs that favours it.
When you put effort to change even by thought, your subconscious mind recognizes the change you need, this makes the field’s to work even more faster. Just imagine the scenario, that you fell into a well full of water, the well has two ways to save you. It has steps around inside which reaches the top and it has a rope where 5 men are ready to pull you up. The thing here is your are going to be alive, but how soon depends on your decision.
Similar is the scenario of the fields. If you have strong willpower, it will help you to think and work towards the change and the fields will just push them miles away. Gain the help from your subconscious mind. Just think about the change and the job and job environment you are willing to have. And leave it to the Universe, It will always give you a way. Meanwhile start working on something, learn new stuffs related to job, use the time you have been provided to improve you and also visualize your new job.
These things, help you even if you have a bad job position. Just think that you get a job, but the job doesn’t go well, low pay or arrogant boss. You wanted a high paying job or a superior position to tackle them. Probably your subconscious beliefs about new job, your new skill set that you learned a while, Dreamweaver’s fields will all help you to be in a position for that.
Please for people who think that the fields work 100% without effort, you have really mis understood. Only your subconscious beliefs will help to attract the wellness of the fields as well as your own effort. This is if you are really looking good,faster and better results that is 100%.
Edit: Also sometimes you can linger with negative belief as this, like you contemplate that the field might not work. And that is why you need people, people to encourage stuffs. People here does that to change your beliefs with all recommendations and guidance
Just a thought which I would like to share. If my view is wrong, I will correct myself. Thanks