A couple of you have reported to me a guy asking for audios through pms and me and dream really appreciate that. I banned his account but he keeps making new ones through a vpn and asking people for audios. Please report him or ignore him. And in general, please don’t share purchased content here. It’s against forum policy. Thank you!
It’s a form of self sabotage, an act stemming from believing in self dis-empowerment - so have a little compassion for the guy Basically, get your Christmas gifts on a Black Friday kind of thinking out of fear of missing out. It comes from the mindset of lack or scarcity. I doubt that any fields obtained through an act that is not grounded in and aligned with self integrity, will actually work or produce desired results. There is no 2 for 1 deals when it comes to ascension. Excellent reminder to stick to honoring investment in self based in integrity without fear that you’re hurting anyone else in the process, thank you @SammyG I’ve officially become a proud vibrational snob
Man for real! I am not allowed to post audio review these days cuz of that. I thought I would complain about some but thought it wouldn’t be nice. I pretend I don’t have the audio even if I do. Bigger problem is when people ask them if discord lol. I know some of you are watching but let me tell you that I am not your dad. Get your by yourself man. And why would I anyway. @SammyG thanks for pointing this out lol. I even lost count how many comments I had to delete right after posting. Someone can ask if they are very close friend or something like that but imagine being asked by so many strangers you don’t even know or don’t know that well…also I don’t mean to disrespect anyone but I just don’t like that
Hi Sam. I purchased IPF and Curse/Spell Removal audios from gumroad last month. My sister is asking if I could share those with her through email attachment or through my google drive download. I said I’d have to clear that up with Sapien first. Is it alright?
I think it’s fine to share with those who are close to you. Family is definitely fine. And sapien is not like some shitty creators who put curse so that if you don’t buy then you will start having many problems or he doesn’t makes sure it won’t work on you if you don’t buy. If that was the issue then those who didn’t buy some of his stuff would be in serious problem by now. He even help those who are in trouble. He is a kind person so don’t worry.
Thanks for clarifying.
I think it’s a bit of a gray area.
For example, if I buy a physical book, and it is really good, I would lend it to on average 3-4 people and no one sees an ethical issue with that.
But because it is an audio file and you copy it, and because it is so easy to distribute on large scale once you have it, it is a bit different ethically.
Edit: just so it is clear… I wouldn’t share the paid audios. I am with my family now for a couple of weeks and I am considering sharing the MP3 files from patreon with my mom of the fields that are also on YouTube for convenience.