Vaccination MegaThread

Not medical advice. Just my opinion.

This is a PSA. See post above b/c of link below.

Please use the relevant fields and supplements. This article is bad news. It’s likely to be followed by a flood of other articles. You can still believe in the Science while acknowledging a flawed manufacturing process may have put you at risk. There’s no shame in that.


100% recovery is going to be difficult.

This site contains only 1000 peer reviewed articles about covid vaccine side effects. Grouped into only a bit more than 100 different diseases. Seems safe to me. Get your boosters now. :syringe:

Sarcasm aside, I did not check all the linked articles, but from a few checks I saw that these articles comprise all the different covid vaccines, e.g. also the chinese protein vaccine. First I thought it would be only about mRNA vaccines.

Study and draw your own conclusions.

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my friend needs to detox from the v.@.x ive read on here that the blueprint of life audio can help alot with that.

Just like to know if anything else should be noted thanks

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@valor 787

Besides this thread, which I recommend using the search function for, there might be some help here: Vaccine detox fields/restoring health advice


yep, we are the stars(angels) they want to kill the stars

Hello there, Edmund. I see you haven’t been around long. A few things you should be aware of. We all have opinions and beliefs and in the true spirit of this forum we don’t trash each other’s sharings just because we don’t agree. This is not that kind of place. A forum member flagged your post as being offensive, and I agree.

If you really want to open communication with someone, that is not the way to do it. Perhaps there was a way to actually question and determine if some sort of conversation could have been had. Even a debate would have worked. But not name-calling and attempts at shaming for having an opinion that was not your own.


What do you think you’re doing? Why are you responding to posts from years ago and then calling them a fucking idiot? In what world do you think that’s the kind of discourse we allow here?

His opinion is his opinion. You want to disagree, go ahead and do so. But do so respectfully.

But to respond with that level of disrespect in this forum is the last thing I want to see here and just might show that you don’t have the level of maturity to be here. So explain yourself. Why? And maybe if you get a bit of a wake up call, maybe back down from your comment and acknowledge you stepped out of line. Hell, an apology would be even better.

We don’t call people fucking idiots in this forum. Those that do get permanently banned here.


“Send Fredo off to do this; Send Fredo off to do that." “Let Fredo take care of some Mickey Mouse nightclub somewhere.” “Send Fredo to pick somebody up at the airport.” I’m your older brother Mike and I was stepped over !

I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… I’m smart and I want respect!


Arguing with opinions is the absolute worst form of arguing. And I did the same with my opinion. But given how many people have been permanently hurt or killed by those COVID-19 vaccines, I went a little overboard. To me, it was crystal clear from the first time I heard that they were making COVID-19 vaccines, that it would be used with ill intent.

It’s not a matter of opinions it’s a matter of being able to read data. And the data to me was crystal clear back then and even more clear now. They are flat-out dangerous and maim/kill people.

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Its also funny how you mention mickey mouse. Considering it was always meant to represent Wicked by Disney.

Brother, how are you feeling? @Gnosticmedic27

Are you feeling better?

@Edmund those skeptical of the Covid vaccine won the day. Very few people are taking the boosters. Relitigating the arguments of from years ago doesn’t change anyone’s opinions—it hardens them.

It might be useful to deconstruct the PR/Propaganda campaigns, the failure (removal) of protocols that should have kept those shots and the from seeing the light of day, the failure of to weigh lockdowns on traditional cost/benefit analysis that’s still playing itself out it terms of wealth destruction and impaired childhood development. It wasn’t all about stock prices. Most of those failures probably originated with people trying to do the right(ish) thing—prevent deaths from a novel airborne virus. It’s impossible to stop such a spread, but something caused doctors to forget that. And to the extent that the vaccines were/are dangerous (I’m not doubting they have risks—serious risks and uncertain benefits) and the lockdowns created huge problems, a lot of doctors (the vast majority) took the vaccines and abided by the lockdowns. They weren’t trying to help Pfizer, maim people or depopulate the planet. They weren’t/aren’t stupid, but their minds were captured in a way that only the pursuit of good can manage to do. Yes, there was suppression of reports of side effects and trial results, but the rationale for that suppression is that they believed Covid was worse and that people needed to be vaccinated to stop it.

To repeat they weren’t stupid. In fact, the experts had to be fairly bright to make these mistakes. And the simple fact is that most people don’t have the time or the means to doubt experts. Doctors don’t and neither do most patients or the general population.

We need a high trust, high verify society to prevent a reoccurrence. Only by re-installing the devil’s advocate position in science, journalism, and public policy can we achieve this. Stay positive and focused on that mission.


Keyword: believed. interesting how “trusting/following the science” wasn’t applied at the most appropriate places

Well, once a decision is made and policy is rolled out, there’s no turning back.Legitimacy is at stake. World War I was a catastrophe and people knowing that couldn’t stop it. Scientists are no better than generals and pharmaceutical companies are not that different from defense contractors. People and organizations don’t like to admit mistakes. “Science ” or “medicine” are not exempt from that, but, but, in theory and often in practice, they do self-correct given enough time.

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Aparantly you are not aware of the millions of deaths from those vaccines. And it baffels me, because its right infront of you. Many did not try to maim or kill people, yet in their ignorance they did. Uncertain benefits? I highly doubt injecting yourself with graphene oxide, snake venom and DNA alteration, has any benefits. And we do know for certain that not any vaccine given for covid has protected anyone from a viral infection.

Yes snake venom. It’s proven beyond a shadow of a doubt there is atleast 20+ different snake venom peptides in those vaccines. That is also how they cut the DNA to insert the mrna to produce the spike protein. (Wich is highly toxic). And proven to not protect against any viral infection. It dosent matter if your organs are full of spike proteins when it’s your lungs that get infected.

I’m aware of the points you are making and the disturbing facts about the MRNA vaccines. My point is about persuasion. You believe X. Others believe Y. You want to change their beliefs. A frontal assault that is too blunt doesn’t help. Assuming good faith on the part of those responsible isn’t naive; it’s a useful way to understand how the people who carried out the program sold it to themselves first.

There are countries with an almost 90% vaccination rate with the Covid MRNA shots. It’s going to be a difficult process for the populations of those countries to come to terms with the net harm of the vaccines, but they will, though it will be in ways that won’t be satisfying for those who paid a social price for opposing the vaccines or a physical cost in terms of a side effects. But if you want to play a role in picking up the pieces and not having a broken society, a certain amount charitable interpretation of people’s actions and motives is necessary.

Actually the lives lost, along with other adverse effects of those associated policies are at what’s really at stake.

The fact that there are people who see pro clot shot policymakers as “legitimate” is what’s truly frightening.

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Have you read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jr.?

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