Vaccination MegaThread

@electrorainbow said it all.

It helped me, at least! Thanks!

Is there an audio that can get rid of the leftover spike proteins from the vaccine?

Hurah! :grinning:

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Smells like propaganda to me. I wonder if they think death is a good sign its working… :thinking:

What field should I listen after my first vaccination please to block Schadenstoffe from vaccine, and to prevent alle Nebenwirkungen?? Please

lol i love this sentence, you sound totally like one of my friends who throws in randomgerman words when she cant think of the english one :joy:

The recommendation from OM people followed and had good results with:

Blueprint of Life

And in addition - i think these are the “common” side effects and the captain has made some fields you can use for prevention :
Stroke prevention
Heart inflammation help


Thank you so much for your answer
Viel viel Dankeschön:)

But I thought Sapien Medicine specially created one field for this one, and I thought it’s on patreon but couldn’t find it and also one for blood purification after vaccination on gum or maybe I misunderstood something🤷

I tried to search in whole this thread but it is so dichtes nebeneinander , almost 800 , I reread so many and didn’t understand some things sorry

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the field is in the mail sent to us ( patreon members ) when it was released

nvm you’r not talking about his energetic vaccine I think

The mRNA in the V instructs your body to create spike proteins constantly. If we assume that the Plasma fields and Blueprint of Life fields can reverse the genetic programming to halt the production of spike proteins (which is a massive leap of faith imho), then I suggest Ivermectin to stop any of the spikes from binding to your cells, high doses of Vit D* to protect against damage, and finally Glutathione to assist the removal of the spikes from the bloodstream.

Also worth considering detox fields or other antioxidants in order to flush whatever else is in the V, such as graphene oxide.

*I recommend that everybody supplement high-doses of Vit D now. As we enter the Grand Solar minimum, due to changes in the solar output, our endogenous Vit D is considerably reduced so even in summer we can be deficient. This coming winter is likely to be the longest in living memory, probably starting later than usual but extending into what we’d usually consider summer. High levels of Vit D protects against many viruses, pathogens etc (hence why flu, common colds are ‘seasonal’).


Es gibt ein Audio ‘Blood Purification’ das man auf gumroad (oder vielleicht teespring :grimacing:) kaufen kann, aber das ist etwas anderes.

Es gibt kein Audio/field speziell für “alle mögliche Nebenwirkungen” bzw Schadenstoffen.

Das Audio ‘Immunity’ war nur für einige Minuten auf der patreon-seite verfügbar. Es wirkt wie eine Impfung (und könnte auch kleine Nebenwirkungen haben). Wenn du schon damals patreon hattest, sollst du das E-Mail öffnen - darin gibt es ein Downloadlink.
Aber das ist auch nicht das was suchst/wonach du gefragt hast.
Die verschiedene impstoffe haben unterschiedliche Wirkmechanismen und nebenwirkungen… es gibt kein Field das “alles” verhindern kann.


Google doesn’t translate beyond 32 words …:worried::grinning::grinning:

Really? :laughing:

I just said stuff you already know :D (besides my German is not that good anymore so re-reading that I feel motivated to read a book or something lol)

blood purification can be purchased but it is something else;
Immunity is available in the patreon email
And there is no such thing as a single audio specifically made to combat all the possible side effects and “harmful materials” from the vaccines.

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Oh yes!..
I wrote that on impulse…
I was like hey …I am reading…yet …not reading at all…:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

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For those who took mRNA, how long do we have to worry about the spike proteins? Idk how long the effects of vaccines, especially RNA ones, stay in our system.

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Solely based on this article, I’d suggest around 8 months after second dose:

the antibodies generated by the Moderna vaccine against the original strain dropped to low or undetectable levels six to eight months after the second dose

Worth noting that Dr. Luis Marcelo Martínez has claimed that “the spike protein is nothing more than graphene inside your body and spiking you”, so it could be that 6-8months is the time it takes the body to naturally detox itself of graphene oxide…


Womder what I’ll do if it comes to that. I’ve got three kids, and if i tried that we’d be dead in a week. But I’m steeling mysel for the all the potentials. And sadly, even if it comes to them taking my kids, this is one absolute time that i cannot and will not be bullied. Like you say, principles. Fuck.
(talking about the nomad thing, new to forums, keep forgetting to quote so folk know wth I’m talkimg about, apologies)

He cites specific patents from the early 2000’s relating to sars. If you find yourself questioning the main narrative, I highly suggest you give this a listen.

I am listening to the essence of faith and prayer, praying that humanity (myself included) will wake up and see the “shadows”. That being said, that saying “be careful what you wish for.” Does come to mind.


Continuously marching with their objectives

Every country doing its bit to take care of us