Thanks! I appreciate it so much!
I am happy you let me know what needs to be improved. Any time you see something you think could be done better, please let me know!
Thanks! I appreciate it so much!
I am happy you let me know what needs to be improved. Any time you see something you think could be done better, please let me know!
You are amazing Mu!!! And to think you have only mobility in ONE finger. I mean i dont want to throw a pitty party but im literally crying. I love you so much. Thank you for what you do for us, we should all be inspired every day by you instead of complaining or demanding
Though a change in the name of thread is great idea.
Thanks for the work you do on the forum!
You are the best !!
OMG thanks everyone!! I’m glad to help out any way I can! I’ve messaged a mod to change the thread title to include reference to the vaccine stack
@Lanos sorry to read about your grandfather. I hope you and your family will do ok thru this time
Thank you so much @SC448 for your useful inputs to the vaccine stack.
Thanks for condolences