Vibration of Transcendence vs Ascension Tag

I`ve recently purchased the VoC and VoDL and ordered the Ascension tag which I am waiting for.

Is the Vibration of Transcendence the same thing as the Ascension tag?


I tell you from experience, I wore Ascension tag 1 Month through, spammend all kinds of fields, and today I decided just to go cold turkey on all tags, expect Blueprint of life of course, but its intense after you take down the ascension tag, you feel the energy in your body just vibrating, tho you dont feel shit while wearing that tag, but yeah, supplementing with VoT VoDL and VoC is a good idea, tho Ascension in the long run has greater benefits as I think


i didn`t purchase the VoT just because the description said to use Voc and VoDL first.
The descrtiption of the VoT and Ascension tag mention the removal of ego so that’s why i asked if they both do the same.
Bought quite a few audios as i manifested some money, and I’m currently on a daily
Spell Curse remove
Brain growth work
Conceptual Realizations
Soul Restoration
(and a few more that i’ve previously had)

And before sleep Blueprint of Life

Still waiting for the Ascension, Schumann, Intercession and Flower of life tags.

Been using the Subconscious and Chakra ones, but i`ve put them in another room whilst listening to the Spell curse removal


Use VoT man, you get into the void and its good to learn to let go of the ego, almost ego died on that thing, with practice youll get there
VoT takes a more active approach in removing the ego because it brings instant ego death if processed right
Ascension is like a snake, your ego/you ;) will with time be erased, sure some blockages need to be removed but I think the stronger the tag gets the more these blockages will be pushed away, so even the strongest blockages will be gone with time

Soul Restoration is awesome for Focus and overall being in your own “world” use that to be focused and dont let get shit into your mind, because with a broken soul storage energy goes out easily, you dont want other people, for example pornstars or girls you wanna fuck, whatever, have your energy, keep it to yourself.

Schumann is good for overall grouding and Astral Traveling if you want to go into that
Flower of life, dunno, would use it if you are advanced enough, just for the sake of idk, seems to me its a tag that only should be used by people who are advanced enough

get the SLR tag and the Chakra tag, will make things easier and more time on your hands to listen to other fields

and blueprint of life I believe is like a ego death in the long run, you release blockages along the way and grow spirituallity




Does Ego really “die” when the mind-body complex is still existent? If so, then possibly there are different definitions of this “ego”, based on what each person perceives the ego to be.


“If so, then possibly there are different definitions of this “ego”, based on what each person perceives the ego to be.”

This is, by my 2 cents, why we’re all running around trying to ‘kill’ our ego, and are confused by it, while in reality it’s totally unnessecary. Feels to me as if ego is always thrown around as a concept which no-one really understands, or perceives the wrong way and it ends up being a root of a lot of misguidance.

My two cents are: just leave your ‘ego’ alone, focus on development, whatever that ‘ego’ is will surely transform into what it needs to be.


ego should have different levels if it doesnt have these already
basic ego - your body, I think, I understand and all the things needed for survival, ability to evolve/develop
piece of shit ego - I want to have this and to be that because of this and that!


I honestly vouch for complete abandonment of the word altogether. Maybe only use it in a classical American sense.

When you’re not fighting yourself… things become easier.


Honestly I don’t know if killing/destroying completely of someone ego is even possible

I don’t know how it would looked like that person without ego

Only person who I know (or I think that I know lol) that didn’t have his ego is Buddah, but he achieved that thanks to his understanding of everything + years and years of meditation under tree.

Hmm, person without ego?
How he/she would look like, and what “powers” she/he would actually have😄

My thoughts on “ego death” and why people care about semantics.

Note: if you have a human body you have an ego…


I appreciate this on a different level now that I experienced the I ! It still takes me a while to get there but consistency is key :)
I think my ego was acting up quite a bit before and I was nervous but in retrospect it’s not something to be afraid of, it does not change who you are etc, but on the contrary.
Now I 100% agree that it’s the ego speaking saying things like “I don’t want to dissolve my ego, I just want to be happy” etc. I won’t list stuff, it’s all the same theme.
The way people describe ego death in articles online is also not helpful in eliminating these fears :sweat_smile:

And on the main topic - honestly up to you if you want to spend money, I have the same, 3 vibes + ascension Tag. I think the tag is easiest because it’s a tag so you don’t have to listen 🤷
I think it’s okay to “just” wear the tag and listen to the other 2 vibes you have for a while, add ego dissolution and you’re not really “missing out”, it will get you there.
But if you have the money to spend and are curious, you could also get VoT


The key info about the ego is perfectly explained here in this Sapien educational video:

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Think this would deserve a topic of its own
I see a lot of confusion


It can be experienced, its as if, you sense of self and sense reality disappear, and you become transparent, its like a pristine awareness where there is peace, because there is total silence, and you loose your sense of personality and self. Its not like you are gone but more like that ‘‘you’’ was just a though construct, when you remove that you can see existence without a veil of thoughts, and see it, for the absolute, Prescence. You do loose all sense of self but it does not matter, because its that self is not even real, instead of living, in the projection you become, the transmitter of the projection, so what was living underneath your personality is absolute presence, and you become aware, of yourself, like seen your sense of self.
After that there is a split where you are aware, of yourself, but who is aware of yourself? It is the divine essence, the presence within you. In my experience all it takes is feeling the highest love with the highest conviction and power, to all in existence, of course to have the emotional energetic charge, to feel unconditional love requires tempering of your heart center which is nurtured by experiences, until it reaches a point of emotional eruption, and in does states of higher love, becoming empty becomes second nature. So look at everything with an infinity unwavering sense of absolute love to all things, and feel and project that divinity within yourself and in all things with as much power, you can give.


To add on to me, it feels like a feeling of infinity power, a feeling, where every pore of your being is filled with an overcharge of absolute power, and this power, is that of overwhelming sense of love, so you radiate, that power, and you feel elated, with joy/love, its on overwhelming sense of joy and ecstasy.
Its as if you feel such absolute conviction, that you feel an unwavering overcharge of love to all things. Its almost like you are feeling the love of higher sphere planes, and beings, and everything that vibrates with love and its so overwhelming that your emotional center gets torn. Psychical effects, is like an charge of goosebumps and tears of joy. I wish more people in this world, where in tuned with their divinity, even if its felt by a moment, it shows the door of truth, and its so beautiful that it hurts. Its states, of extreme joy and love within that, you are in contact with the infinity field of love. I wish for more people to be in contact, to does higher feelings, but its so rare, and hear very little of this type of feelings.

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Thank you for sharing your experience.