Vision of Clarity (Released on Gumroad)-Public Project

I have retina problem due to toxoplasmosis. As far as I know, there’s no treat for this problem. I listened to eye regeneration ver 2.0 more than 4 months, but nothing happened. I guess the field wouldn’t target the retina area. I hope we have this new field on sapien shop. If this field treat my eyes that would worth a million dollars.


Did you try the plasma flaunt audio ? It supposed to heal the majority of diseases


No. I’m undergoing treatment for breast cancer. I’m not sure whether this field contains hormones regulation contents or not. So, based on my condition I preferred not to listen to it.


I don’t have plasma flaunt yet so I don’t know much but I urge you to ask the people in that thread. I am sure it doesn’t have hormone regulators and can greatly accelerate your healing. Besides what harm in asking, our forum members are wonderful after all


adding some more ideas based on recommendations


Kindly share research papers or data which backs up these ideas

This is common TCM knowledge that is easily found online.

The stomach meridian starts from underneath our eyes and runs down all the way to the side of our third toes.

Below is a webpage with a list of other acupressure points showing how the kidney, liver, gallbladder meridians affect the eyes as well.


I found this website a couple of days ago : Endmyopia® - Evidence Based Vision Improvement

It has lots of success stories and is backed by peer-reviewed journals. I’m still reading the website and blog.

The guy who started it also has a youtube channel:

It seems more promising than anything else I tried years ago. And it talks about real causes of myopia that the lens industry doesn’t want people to know.

We can find myopia’s true causes from this and include the solutions in this NFT.

I’ll read and watch more to gather up resources. I urge you to do the same.


It was hard to do the exercise for me. The first few courses which I managed to go through was really about getting up every hour to look at something far and better if it was moving. Problem is buildings are everywhere and I don’t know how to gauge these things. It’s like my eyes never knew how to change the focus or something.

But what he says is quite true. The eyesight fluctuates a lot throughout the day. And also how much time you spend outdoors (especially being able to see wide open areas and being able to track things that are moving in a distance.)

I’ll not really feeling up to it tbh, didn’t like his style of teaching, I’ll try to continue the course again if I feel more motivated…


It was a great read, I learnt about something similar over here


added updates


Kindly post condensed data from what you read, I will also try to catch up on the research in the coming days

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I will posting to this. Super important topic.

Well articulated! Awesome!

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I know of a qigong master who would heal farsightedness or nearsightedness by pulling energy through the eyes at different angles. Somewhat like LASIK but with qi manipulation.

It was considered that people who are nearsighted have a slightly more oval pupil—and the energy manipulation would involve pulling energy through the eyes in upwards and downwards directions (to round things out). Or intent could be applied directly to make the pupil more rounded.

Far-sightedness was considered related to something stagnant deeper in the eye (since the optical point of focus would be set more deeply in the case of farsightedness). The procedure for this would be to pull energy through the eye but straight in front of the eye rather than at any angles.

All of the energies from the major organs have terminal points in the eye, but the Liver is the major one. Activating the different organ energies would typically be a starter preparation before features of the eye would be reshaped.

—Maybe this information might be useful


That’s amazing and intriguing.


Quick summary: Early childhood exposure to sunlight can trigger myopia. Might need to reverse that event to reset a pathway.


not sure if will buy anytime soon, but interested

Idea: blue light & emf radiation protection

Edit add: need to consider inflammation and auto immune reactions as a result of possible toxins or nerve damage (context of details which mentions Shen and EMF and possibly clogs from “long haul”)


Idea: benign and malignant tumour suppression/elimination, blood vessel maintenance