Vision of Clarity

I just received this article from Dr. Mercola in my inbox. Of course, just about everything manufactured seems to have toxic substances to our health. As a contact lens wearer, I am hoping this field also protects us and regenerates the eye damage brought about by chemicals such as PFAS.


** Mamavation, in partnership with Environmental Health News, had 18 different brands of contact lenses tested for organic fluorine, a marker for PFAS*
** All the contact lenses tested positive for fluorine, at levels ranging from 105 to 20,700 parts per million (ppm)*
** While 44% of the contact lenses tested contained fluorine at a level over 4,000 ppm, 22% contained more than 18,000 ppm*
** A large population-based study conducted in China found exposure to PFAS increased the risk of visual impairment*
** PFAS is likely used in contact lenses to make them soft and allow oxygen to flow through, but the chemicals are linked to reproductive and developmental problems, cancer, liver disease and more*


Tbh @Khaled711sss then point out specifically who you mean. Just throwing around vague generalisations doesnā€™t help anyone. If you make accusations and point fingers, then at least back it up with evidence, so everybody can learn


I understand where youā€™re coming from, I really do. Not about Sapien because I have never interacted with him, so this is NOT about him. But in some discussions I have seen on this forum, there are flavors or ā€œdustingsā€ of this blind faith, which happens so easily with ā€œcultsā€ and organized religions - all focus needs to be on the blameless leader and any criticism (no matter how small) is seen immediately as an attack. A flat hierarchy is vitally important in this day and age, and the earlier any criticism is received and processed, the better for the group.

Whenever you see a religious or spiritual leader fall, there were always a hundred red flags and people who got silenced and disowned along the way. Early criticism is vital and necessary and very healthy.

That is separate from the work of Sapien, which I hope keeps evolving and growing, because morphic fields and sound healing etc are so important to the future of healing and humanity overall. BUT when arrogance seeps in (I have never talked to Sapien or interacted with him, so again, I am not talking about him), it affects how the ā€œbusinessā€ is perceived.

I keep returning to the issue of ā€œkindnessā€ here on this forum. I think often about Pippi Longstockingā€™s (childrenā€™s book and character created by Astrid Lindgren) quote: ā€œIf you are strong, then you have to be kind.ā€ I am from Sweden, home of Astrid and Pippi, and I think that that ethos is why the Scandinavian countries are very often ranked as the best places to live, overall. I met an American who has lived here in Stockholm for the last 17 years, and he loved it because he says it is just such a kind society: the care for children, the disabled, the elderly, the young parents, animals, etc., is so ingrained and built into societyā€™s infrastructure, that one becomes very kind and generous automatically towards others.

ā€¦ Back to the topic: My momā€™s eye got worse. She had her first operation which should have been a quick and easy procedure with a 95% success rate because she had a very good prognosis and it was caught very early. We then added the ā€œGood Luckā€ audio into the mix.

Guess we were extremely unlucky, because she then had to go for a second operation two weeks later which resulted in a bruise/ chymosis with major bleeding and swelling. Lying and sleeping on her right side for a whole month, while only looking down the whole time. I keep reading about spontaneous closures of macula holes, but no such luck this time, I guess.

So the one holiday which we have been waiting for the whole year up here near the North Pole also got derailed, as she canā€™t fly or travel long distances until the end of August. Sheā€™s stopped playing the audios (among others, Plasma Flaunt, Max Heal Potion and Vision of Clarity) - canā€™t really blame her. But I guess thatā€™s a risk you take, everything can go sideways and you have no guarantees that things work or actually improve (or donā€™t get worse). Itā€™s all experimental :)


Were these passive NFT benefits, or mostly from listening to the audio? Iā€™m thinking of purchasing but my stack is already long enough, would just own for the accumulative passive NFT benefits, however consistent listening obviously will bring quicker results.

Its with active listening

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Do you use too many fields? Lower the amount, that usually helps sped up results. Also for physical fields, it would be a good idea to eat extra nutrients to help sustain the healing. For example in the Glutathione audio sapien mentioned in the desc that it would be a good idea to eat more to sustain the enhanced glutathione production. The same probably helps in other physical fields which stimulate the creation of things inside your body.


In general the better your spiritual health, the faster the fields will work for you. Physical health is connected to spiritual health. Someone with physical conditions may have a harder time seeing changes compared to someone in peak health and full of life force.

Sapien has mentioned before than using too many fields may overwhelm you. Too many may even decrease the effectiveness of them. The plasma flaunt is a very complex field as well as this with many details in them, more than most of the free youtube audios which only seem to work on a few bodily functions. I dont own vision of clarity but i bought plasma flaunt. Ive noticed results with it, so it does work. Sapien in general is legitimate. Its as real as grass is green, i assure you that theres no point in having doubt.

The subconscious limits removal, as well as the Ojas field on sapiens other channel Dream Seeds can help too. Ojas giving more of that life force and the SLR removing some blockages she may have.
But regardless the audios still work, they just may be slower for some people. Youll get there. In my experience it seems the more i listen the more effective they become too as i get accustomed to them. Oh and it would be a really really good idea like i mentioned above to get her on a caloric surplus to help sustain the enhanced functioning of certain bodily functions these fields stimulate. It requires nutrients. For example if someone uses the testosterone field, the testosterone isnt being made from nowhere, the field is stimulating its production. You still need vitamins, cholesterol, fat, and proteins to make the testosterone. The cup of coffee fields desc for example also states it uses materials in your body. The stem cells audios use your fat cells and turn them to stem cells. I would imagine the same applies to other physical fields


i like to eat 1-2 tablespoons of bee pollen a day, noticed better mood, more energy, and better skin. Contains over 200 substances including fat, protein, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and anti oxidants. An example of more nutrients i mentioned. Research further if interested and see if its worth trying. Donā€™t get if your mom is allergic to bees/pollen

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Been using this field for 2 weeks and having noticeable results. Canā€™t wait for my next eye exam. I listen 5-10x times daily


Very nice.
Are you listening to this one only, or in a stack?

Does this do stuff to the occipital lobe?

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I do a few loops throughout the day whenever Iā€™m feeling eyestrain and I have it included in my night stack. No other eye fields but I used eye regeneration for weeks before purchasing this. Can confidently say I can see a few feet further without my glasses.


Hello everyone, I just found out there is a situation called Diabetic retinopathy. If you find using this field and not having progress, see whether you have high blood sugar

I ran the diabete type 1 and 2 track from patron for 2 times, and I got knocked out. Afterward, my eyes felt relieved somehow. So take a look.

I am a vegan and ate a lot of carbohydrates to overcome hunger during the switch from meat eater to veggie eater. Afterward, I still ate a lot of carb, plus vegan fake meats (lot of oils and artificial favours) when I started to do fastingā€¦so just a share of experience and may become a wake up call to you.


Did anybody get the astral vision part?

Any update on this?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube

Can I share this audio with my 5 year old daughter (she got diagnosed with slight astigmatism) or is it similar to NFTs, and effective for the owner only?

She should be able to use it. Works for family. Give her the mp3ā€¦ wish her a speedy recovery. I have astigmatismā€¦ it sucks.


Sorry to hear that, looks like the cause of it its still unknown, probably hereditary.

Astigmatism happens when your cornea or lens has a different shape than normal. The shape makes light bend differently as it enters your eye, causing a refractive error. Doctors donā€™t know what causes astigmatism , and thereā€™s no way to prevent it.

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Very interesting; any updates?