VOC overload

Hey guys, I’ve been on voc for around a month. It was a a mix experience of heaven and hell. Wont get into much detail for now, just wanna say it boosted my manifestation abilities, like i would just set an intention single time and it would happen within a day. However, voc has also made life a bit difficult for me as in i feel extremely alone and alienated, especially from my mom, and my cousin was getting married and even the relatives with whom i was good with behaved as if they have never met me. My emotions and awareness are hightened too much to the point im in a different dimension even when doing complex things. Like im not me but im watching me. Fears are zoomed in as well. Im just in a different world 24/7 mentally & not able to enjoy what im doing. Not wanting to say anything to anyone but also feeling alone, alienated and craving some company. I think this is not the right time for VOC as im in the beginning of a new business and want to socialise for the first time in my life. Is there anything i can do to get rid of the effects or I’ll just have to wait for it to wear it out? I’ve tried attract love, loneliness etc, nothing’s working

EDIT - Im much better now, thanks everyone! what worked was playing divine love, ego dissolution, grounding and @Rosechalice intention :heart:


How much over this month did you play VoC? I believe it is the one of the series that is suggested not to spam. But now you are where you are. We are always here to support you. :slight_smile:

I would work with Sammy’s suggestions and Malleable Ego and SLR3. Go through the affirmations. Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 - #223 by SammyG . . .Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 - #224 by SammyG

Possible inclusions:

The Welcomed
Emotional Alchemy
Stress and Anxiety
Quantum Love 1-4


How often are you playing it? Might just need a smaller dose

Maybe chakra audios pertaining to the first 3 chakras so that energy has a good place to go.


I HATE VOC, its my life long enemy

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What came up for you with it?

Any issues with VoDL?

How curious

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Its makes me vomit, i do play it one every couple of weeks, but when i first got it, everytime i played it more then 5 times i vomited.

I played it recently to and am feeling exactly what ur feeling, it acutally started a 14 days ago that i started to feel the things u said, its tuff

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I should get VOCDL next,

I have had VoDL and Conceptual Realizations on one small ipod playing continuously for awhile now.

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while looking at the VOC mao and reform recommend emotional release and The Internal Alchemical Crucible, and i feel so light, see if that helps u

What’ kind of benefits did you get from the field though?
5 times is a lot…

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first three days, only once, blissed out, audio forced me to stop whatever i was doing and just bask in it. Then for a few days 3 reps, blissed out again, then back to one rep, and out of the blue, it all hit me at once. Voc brought many ( prolly all ) of my hidden fears and negative beliefs to surface all at once, and in addition to all those things i mentioned above, got really difficult to navigate

I have bookmarked this, and will read once i reach back home in a couple of days. Thank you Rose! Lovely as always :heart:

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Ive done that already but no mercy by VOC. Probably should’ve listened to the peeps whi suggested VODL lol

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Fr, done tons of work, but this is something else.

I did that, after every session. Even trauma release audios, forgiveness etc, nothing is helping. Had no choice, had to drop VOC


Literally sounds like me. Even when I only had VODL it felt like my awareness was growing day by day but my connection to people dwindling. I know how you feel.

I will say that for most people VODL is better to start off with than VOC. You should just let the energy calm down for a bit.


Reading the responses, I now sense that the heart center needs to open and flow to keep up with the other realizations your practice has revealed. It’s all a matter of achieving balance.

Here is a healing image for you, created by our beloved Mystic Tarot Reader:

This image is created with the intention of visualizing the opening and healing of the heart chakra for shubhamthakur7890. It shows an individual at the center, radiating a warm, glowing green light from their heart area, symbolizing the activation and balancing of the heart chakra. The surrounding nature elements, like blossoming flowers and lush green leaves, represent growth, harmony, and the nurturing aspect of the heart. The overall peaceful and balanced atmosphere, along with the individual’s serene and welcoming demeanor, embodies the journey towards openness and connection, overcoming the inclination to shy away from social interactions.

Also this:


Vibration of Divine love can help balancing out the energy.
If you cant access it, there is free one, Divine love
And then more love fields like Depths of your soul and Your Self Love.
Silencing the mind the best, like meditation.


Just in case OP gets VoDL even this audio can cause energy overload. BUT it’s in the heart. It’s like an overwhelming feeling in the heart where it feels like you will throw up but you won’t. But of course it’s not unpleasant as VoC. At least for me.


As I am remembering a time when I used an NFT centered on love and felt the energy of panic, I have to be overwhelmed with gratitude.

How easily these blessed fields reveal the imprinted energy lying underneath and masquerading as “me”. I am grateful that they expose, that they enlighten us.

Yes most of us would prefer a gentle experience, but it might be a matter of reframing the experience. We frame a lot, but the framing comes from the self we used the field to leave behind. And then forget that that’s why we did it lol.

Did we seriously think by using the morphic fields we would be the same person afterwards? Perhaps that is a certain mindset, but truthfully we are new each time we use a field, or say a prayer or send a blessing or desire to see life through different eyes. The pattern has changed. The unpleasantness might just be a wake-up call to the complacency we have desired to change, while thinking we can stay the same. Change is just a word. Minus the overlay it’s just flowing energy, really requiring no words.

I now allow myself to let things be. In you, in me. :slight_smile:


A sense of happnines and pruity, lol that went after 2 weeks, because i stopped listening to the audio

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