Waiting on my tag

Hello amazing people!

I was wondering if anyone can help me with this. I’ve order a tag and I’m about to move to another state. My concern is in receiving it before I leave. I’ve emailed the site and Sapien as to get an update on my order. And had not gotten any response from them yet. It’s been awhile and the process of the tag has been staying on the printed complete stage. Any help would be awesome. Thanks in advance. :smile::smile::smile:


welcome fellow waiter you are not alone and its disgusting. I literally tried everything cuz i have OCD on shipments and i could not get where my item is and neither when it arrives.

What does your order status show?


On Teespring, it took me around 11 days to get the order - which was not bad at all.

Red Bubble on the other hand has not been great - no progress in a while on my order.


Thank you. I appreciate your support. I understand. I’m sure it’ll come for both of us. :grin::grin::grin: I’m just wanting to know the status and if it is delayed a little longer. I’ll like change my address to my future address.


It still states that the tag is printing. I understand Teespring is automated system and I was hoping it would update soon. Maybe it’s just not updated on teespring system but has been shipped. I’m just trying to figure out where is the best place to get an update for my order. Thank you for the info by the way.


How long has it been printing? My first tag was being printed for around 10 days. Afterwards, it was shipped. The second tag was only being printed for about 3 days.

From my experience, if it says it is printing, it is printing and hasn’t shipped. USPS tracking proved this with my first tag.


That’s very helpful. Thank you. It’s been about 10 days since I ordered it. I placed my order on May 18.


For me, it stayed in Printing state for about 6 business days - and then once shipped, got it in 3 days. Once shipped, you can track using the USPS tracking number. You will not get an email notification (weird) so you will need to keep checking the orders page to find the updated tracking number.


How often have your worked with Teespring?
Do you believe it’s reasonable to call a company “disgusting” predicated on one experience that may or may not be their fault?
Do you believe a small company like Teespring would have grown so much on the off chance of being “disgusting” as pinpointed?

Has your order been dispatched?
In the event that they did deliver your order to the carrier, has it occurred to you that perhaps it wasn’t their misdeed but the carrier’s?

Did other costumers relate to to you by sharing their experiences?
In light of the experiences shared, do you concur that on the rare occasions where the order was not delivered, they did make it up to the costumer?

Have you talked to Teespring yourself?
If not, then why the immediate slamming?
If yes, why your last post was “welcome to the club m8 . teespring is fucking disgusting” ? Do you have any hidden agenda against said company?

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Thanks for letting me know. I’m beginning to see the pattern. I’ll wait for a couple of days and check the online update. Honestly, I’m hoping it’s been a mistake in updates and it pops up as a surprise in my mail box. lol. That would be such cool experience. I like surprises.


Great News! Here’s the update. They shipped my dog tags out! :D My wish is my command. I’m so excited in receiving it.


Congrats :) You should probably get it in 2 or 3 days depending on where you live!!


Hi, did you order from Teespring?

Hello there,

Yes, I have purchased it on TeeSpring. I think that’s the only place to purchase it because the other site will direct you to it. And if you’re concerned with placing any orders just keep in mind, they may forget to update the status on the webpage and not place your package on shipped but the item may have already been shipped. That’s what happened to me. Late update but already shipped out. It’s pretty awesome because it now feels like it’s coming faster knowing it’s halfway here.


Ah I meant I got my delivery earlier. I was going to give you advice on the timelines, but I suppose it’s different since I am in Europe.


Oh i see. That’s awesome and that is true. Thanks for helping though. Much appreciated.


I’ve ordered one too … Its been a month today. Arrived in my country Australia, and now taking its time to get to me …


I see. That’s pretty long. Maybe it’s the regulations and process to get to your country. That’s my guess. At least it’s in Australia. You’re very close in getting it.


Yeah bro … The item arrived in Melbourne yesterday … so maybe i’ll get it today or tomorrow :v:t2:


Got mine boyz