What are your daily habits? What is your best most productive day like?

What do you guys do in an ordinary day? How do your habits help you become a better and happier person each day?

I’ll start. On a perfect day, I would practice

  1. Listening strictly to binaural audios.
  2. Nofap
  3. Long meditation sessions with sublinals playing on loop.
  4. Exercise
  5. Proper diet or fasting depending on how I feel
  6. Visualization exercises
  7. Replacing all draining media like television and youtube, with reading.
    I am actually trying to wean myself off games and videos and move strictly to reading and studying all the time. I feel that it is getting easier to read for longer periods of time though.

I also work part time over zoom calls about 12 hours a week, so that brings me some money. The rest of my time is spent studying as a college student.

I listen to a lot of audios, at the moment about 18, but many of them address the same topics. The categories that the audios fall into are: brain enhancement, self-esteem, height, fat to stem cell. After 2 more months, I’ll stop listening to the self-esteem audios (I already feel great and have been listening for about 2 months straight, would be more but previously it was on and off). And instead add some audios for muscle-building especially when the gyms open up.

Let me know what you guys practice. :)