What do Man kind acheive after reaching to mars

:rofl: :rofl: No more Dreampaper, and now you got Christmas!!



Thanks for the ab workout Dream, gonna skip core strenghtening today.

@ChrisMous Vodka originated in Venus, thats why they wanna conquer it so they can have some more Vodka, blyat.


Does anyone miss the name Dreamweaver though? I like Captain Nemo, but Dreamweaver had a kind of nostalgia attached to it (right from xtrememind days)…



Dreamweaver was Dreamweaver. Captain nimo is captain nimo.

Different name, different feels.


I don’t even know you anymore @Dreamweaver:rofl:(yeah, I’m still gonna tag you with this) My peaceful protest :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh I will change it back in time.


Oh i wasn’t worried. I knew that would happen ;)

So? Talking to Jules Verne’s Ghost? Or is Phillip K Dick, the former Jules?

Wait are you Jules Verne! ?! :joy: :rofl:


General Stubblebine is a retired United States Major General. He was also the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), and one of America’s most distinguished soldiers and chief of U.S. Army Intelligence, with 16,000 soldiers under his command.

He was a major proponent of “psychic” warfare and a key player in the “Stargate” project, which was a remote vewing program. Remote viewing can be defined in multiple ways. It’s the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away (sometimes even more) from their physical location.

The results of this project were declassified and published in the peer reviewed Journal of Scientific Exploration. (source) In this program, individuals successfully described physical objects that were nowhere near their physical location.

These programs were the inspiration behind the movie “Men Who Stare At Goats.”

Here’s what General Stubblebine had to say about Mars, perhaps thanks to some intel from the Remote Viewing Program?

“There are structures on the surface of Mars. I will tell you for the record that there are structures underneath the surface of Mars that cannot be seen by the Voyager cameras that went by in 1976. I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars and there are machines under the surface of Mars that you can look at, you can find out in detail, you can see what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of detail about them.”

repeated for emphasis

you can see what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of detail about them.


im a martian


I have a theory on this. My suspicion is that humans on Mars will turn very violent and aggressive within a few generations, eventually destroying the colony or worse.
The reason why I think that is because from what I have put together so far, the human… body came from Mars, where people were highly combative.
The frequency field of Earth is probably one of the reasons why we didn’t kill our species (yet).
I think going to Mars without cleaning up the mess in our minds here first is just running away from the problem and will lead to nothing.
What exactly would happen if people, on the level of consciousness we are on now, went to Mars?
They would do what they did here and ruin that planet aswell (again).

But that aside, of course I am very excited about the project and what we will discover there

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What mankind can achieve by getting to Mars is to destroy another planet.

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if there is already life on mars , why do they leave it in this state , unless it is some far away desert place for them?

I wonder what resonance frequency Mars vibrates, Earth is at 7.83hz give or take which is ideal for us, has many healing properties and is in Theta range :face_with_monocle:

Mars looks kinda destroyed according to humans. But according to others maybe that’s what Mars is supposed to look like. Yes, the first guys to get there might be a few chosen ones… the ones that follow, who knows…?
Spending billions is no guarantee that people will take care of Mars, Humans have spent billions here too.
IMHO humans should not leave earth to colonize other planets before they evolve. Technical and scientific advancement is NOT evolution.



“If you are going to tell people the truth, you have to make them laugh, or they’ll kill you.” - Oscar Wilde

The best comedians don’t tell jokes. They tell the truth in a way that makes you laugh instead of cry.

I remember years ago this guy made “me think and ask certain questions”


The more I read about peoples egos and the fact they think they “own” anything, the more I start to cheer for the reptillians.

Maybe they were the good guys, sent here to humble the beings that thought they were the shit.

Wrath of God huh?

How about we all be humble first, and think of what the earth wants, then think of other planets.

Is your life worth more than a mosquitoes?

Says who? Your ego?


Name 1 good thing humanity has done for Gaia as a celestial.

Just 1

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Play ego dissolution and answer the question properly, youre getting triggered.

Doesnt look like it. Or maybe its “fighting back”?

What Gaia thinks doesnt matter, she plays along, until the big dogs get pissed and start wiping out civilizations. Happened ALOT.

We are no different, im just saying, races dont learn.

They act holy, Dracos come and skullfuk them, they cry.

Human and other races get some tech and think they own shit, big dogs comes skullfuk them, they cry.

Gotta be intelligent, and take into consideration the other beings that we share the planet with.

Im all for advancing and evolution bro, im just saying, we are not alone, and we dont have the right to start conquering and pretend we own them, because as I said, big dogs will show up and humble the fk out of humanity.