What do you guys thing of this guy

What do you guys thing about what this dude said ,

Dream and Sam know this guy ?

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Do you guys thing this dude is been used to counter the awakening of masses ?

Maybe… in the end it doesn’t really matter.
I think he genuinely believes in what he says and probably genuinely wants to help.

He is wrong though in many ways.
There are a lot of awful things on the Bible so I’m always confused when someone is really preaching Christianity but is actually selective about what they accept from it… and then call out other people for accepting other things… but in this end this is also not important.

Each and every one of us is just as much god as Jesus was, the difference is that is was fully aware of it and connected to the divine source/intelligent infinity, and most other people are not there yet. But we all have the potential.


Talk about synchronicity. I actually saw him on a podcast show a few days ago and I was interested because of his unique background.
The irony is, while he talked about these topics on the stream, people, Christians, obviously, commented on his appearence, that he still believes in the wrong things, that other Christians are Heretics for not believing in xyz etc.
I don’t have anything against Christians, it is just my observation that religious people in general like to attack other people even in their own religion who don’t follow the same ideas as them.
So why do we even have the need for others to follow the same ideas we follow?
That is the actual question here.
Someone who has found what he/she seeked, has no desire for others to assimilate to their ideas.
Why would they?
I have no idea who Steven Bancarz is beyond of what I said so far, I’d find it helpful if he showed how he made this experience of being connected with God and how others can do the same, in a practical manner. From what I have read he, contrary to what most religious people believe and teach, values the direct, intimate experience one has to make to know God, instead of just reading a text and believing it to be true.
This again is something that I can imagine many Christians in his community to find offensive, and it even looks to me like he isn’t really comfortable with the way (religious) communities are.

I think he is an honest, sincere person who is actually interested and seeks the truth and I find that very honorable. There is actually a very important reason why he is right about a lot of the things he wrote in this text, which is that you don’t need the rest if you have God.
Neville Goddard would say “Who needs all this stuff when you have your own, wonderful human imagination that is God within you?”


What really matters to me when it comes to this topic is that people stay calm and relaxed and can take a joke. I think God has a wonderful sense of humor, so why be so serious and tensed up.
As long as people can talk to each other and laugh about jokes, everything is fine.


He said demons is behind of all this ,and fallen angels ,he said something that ,the reason we have chakras r c is because the Nefilim or fallen angel genes who sleep with woman’s ,he said that demons control every person mind

I already came across a guy like that, he came commenting on my channel something similar, I just replied once, he answered again, and I didn’t continue the discussion, guys like that are totally convinced that they are right, it’s not worth try to discuss.




Demons don’t control every person’s mind.

Although who knows, maybe it’s just the demon controlling me speaking…

Honestly my best suggestion to you is that if someone is trying to inspire fear in their listeners (fear of demons, of hell, of other people) you should stop listening to them.

Listen to aura clearing + emotional release and don’t read this guy again.


Maybe it’s my recent reading experiences speaking, but I guess this guy was “saved” by a service to self entity which is pretending to be a good guy in order to spread some misinformation.


The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

I think there are a lot of true facts there, and every conclusion is wrong.

You are God. Andras (the daemon) is God. Donald Trump is… sigh… God. And are all of us YHWH.

One legend upon another, different visions of the same fractal, and as we are all God and we are all gods, there are infinite permutations of reality to experience.

I am currently experiencing chakra unification. I am not entirely sure I dig the process, but that is unquestionably the next step in realization of my light body. But I still use my chakras, and they make great stepping stones. Imagine telling someone they are infinite reality and then boom, they’re everything and nothing, and they get to stay on a maximum DMT trip for the rest of their life. There are reasons we have “limits” in this reality, even though I do think overcoming them (or working with/around/building on) can be a goal.


Do you mind being updated on the progress of the union of the chakras? I’m curious about that.

It’s a process, and not entirely intentional at this point. The energies are no longer so confined and defined, and the chakras want to grow and connect. To a certain extent they function as filters for filtering 5d energies to a 3d body in 4d. Yes I’m making this up, but it seems to roughly fit with what is currently passing for 3d/4d/5d.


I am extremely eager to know about your recent readings. Could you share some?

I myself had an episode which I had intense “service to others” intentions while unknowingly serving “myself”. That was a long time ago, but the memory still haunts me. I must add that the break of that cycle was like a Jesus experience and Christianity was a really far concept in my background.


Are you familiar with bhagavad gita? It sounds like you’re climbing the challenging stairway of Jnana Yoga. I myself need to add some Bhakti yoga to ease the path. Nice synchronicity.

I’m reading the law of one. I was reading different parts, then recently I started from the start and intend to go chronologically. I finished the first book in this new approach.
The first book has a lot of explanation/intro about alien contacts, service to others Vs self, and even some cases specific to Christianity, e.g. Moses and the 10 commandments (a service to self entity contacting an entity polarised extremely towards service to others), Jesus, Judas, and the Bible as well.

Serving yourself is not a bad thing per se, especially if it was unknowingly.


Oh thanks, I’ve already read most of it although not entirely. I’ll definitely look into those chapters.

As for the 10 commandments, I think especially the ones from 5th to 10th actually support service to others by restricting unjust service to self. I actually like most of those commandments, and I highly respect that YHWH is extremely honest and direct about it being a jealous god with its first words.

What confuses me is that the old testament and the new testament are quite polarized. Is that what you mention about STS vs STO entities contacting?

@MonkeyOwl btw, statements like this makes me wanna quit reading the RA material. Maybe it’s my English level, but it seems to conflict with itself.


I’ll answer more tomorrow, but regarding the contradiction, it’s terminology I think.
It’s specifically the “law of X” - Ra clarifies that he is of the law of one and not of X. And in the second paragraph he says what the law on one is.
But you’re right that the language he uses and the terminology takes some getting used to.

Also, he says somewhere else that the 4th density is the density of love (and the last density where there is polarity). I don’t remember the other densities, I think the 5th is that of light, but on not 100%.
So possibly the first paragraph is also related to this.

Edit: I was going to say OM knows better, but i can see he is typing already :D


4th density is Density of “Love” (of Self or Others)
5th density is Density of “Light” or Wisdom aka Discernment… again both self and others
Not until Mid 6th density is the density where there is no polarity aka non-dual.

Tag @SilverZuzu in these convos too. She knows this stuff well.


Thanks. I haven’t finished with studying it, but I’m doing my best :smiley: