What fields help with body odor/bad breath?


And this topic–like so many other topics–can be caused by a wide variety of factors. For example, I can smell the 5 Chinese elements within a person in that moment. Some people smell of certain diseases. (And this is not just a ACM thing. Ask veteran nurses. They’ll tell you of–say–the “cancer smell,” even in undiagnosed patients.)

To be clear, @Imresfreshed , I’m NOT suggesting that your brother might be ill or anything like that. I would have no idea about that. I am agreeing with the forum friends who, at the beginning of this thread, recommended that you determine the root cause of this symptom and that the “root cause” might be found in various places. The human body and the human condition is fascinatingly intricate and complex.


I mostly second to @JAAJ

Heathy diet and fasting is no.1.

Also would recommend chlorophill supplements

Try spirulina or chlorella tablets before meals

This, fasting and less acidic foods mostly help

Good luck :muscle:


Thanks so much everyone!

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Dude are you just argumentative for the sake of it?
Zuzu, who is a healthcare professional, provided an explanation to your statement of “old people smell bad” which you may not have been aware of.

Sure it’s good to apply critical thinking to studies, but you didn’t link a well structured and peer reviewed study backing up your claim of vegan (50% raw) diet reduces bad smell in the elderly population either.

Im actually close to your “suggested” optimal diet with the exception that I eat eggs, so it’s not a critic of the advise per se.

Wow :flushed:
I think some animals can be taught to smell cancer as well.


The teeth whitener’s uv would destroy anything living in the mouth.

(i havent read the other stuff as yet, apologies if out of context at this point in the thread)


I was pointing out that this study is completely useless from my point of view, as it is based on flawed base assumptions and does not even follow basic scientific guidelines.

How do you know that I am not one either?
I look 10 years younger just from diet alone as well as several other people whom I convinced to switch diets.

Because it is not my job to post studies here.
I am sharing advice and personal opinion.
You don’t come to a spiritual forum to hear the same advice and opinions that you get from the mainstream, don’t you?

In my opinion, most studies related to healthy living suck anyways and/or are financed by groups that do not want people to be healthy on a free or cheap basis. They want you to pay and eat their junk food, then to pay you for the doctors that will give you pills that will “solve” the symptoms of all the typical diseases that come with bad nutrition.

Or, they simply want to make you beliefs that “That’s how it is and you cannot do anything about it.” – brainwashing people into a state of victimhood and powerlesness.

But I’ve read enough books on clean eating and fasting, seen enough YouTube videos and testimonials and experienced this myself and from others to know that it works.


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This is great! Thank you! And no worries!

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Do breathwork = more oxygen in the blood and tissues

Look up Breathwork beats on YouTube and follow along to the breathing tutorials on there

Breathwork = DMT release

The body loves DMT only… everything else is a distraction… Real talk haha

There’s so many systems within systems inside the body and outside the body…breathwork is the only thing that covers all bases at once. Taylor Durden on YouTube is a great channel for breatharian lifestyle :fire::sweat_drops::zap::pray: