What happened to coffee surge and negative ion generator? 😭

Its a pitty they were deleted i was hopping maybe there was going to be a v2 of them but nothing so far.
Hyper state is great but the coffee one worked exactly as a big cup of coffee it was so good!! Without the nocive effects of drinking the actual coffee.
And i loved negative ion generator i used to play it every day after getting up from bed and would go downstairs to make breakfast etc and every time once back in my room omg the feeling was awesome it felt sooo clean and pure. Specially because i live in such hot weather i have to blast the ac and or the fan, and i have 2 cats so im always congested because of the dirt that moves around i guess no matter how much i try to clean, if i stayed in the room to listen to it, my breath would clear up right away. The mandala does not work the same :expressionless:

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are you looking for this?



Ohhh i hadnt seen it, i mean i probably saw it back in feb but i dont necessarily download everything on patreon just because, and it was recently deleted so i forgot is there. Thank you so much!!! :heart::dancer:

my pleasure!


Believe coffee surge is now “For the Skeptics”


Dear @El_Capitan_Nemo can you confirm this?
I mean I would like that to be correct


Omg i just listened to it :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: my head and lungs are happy!!

yay that’s great!! i also enjoy playing the negative ion generator for my room and dog. breathing that high quality air! :star_struck:


There is also this as well.


I use it but its not as effective imo i think with the mandala it needs time to build up, i got the audio from patreon :dancer: gracias!

What is the radius of the Negative Ion Creator? It creates them around you it says.