Where do souls go and what’s their condition and all that.Besides m just asking not planning to do it😂
Very interesting book that deals with this issue. BETWEEN DEATH and LIFE by Dolores Cannon. She gathered the information by doing past life regression with many clients using hypnosis.
(One of) my favorite author Itzhak Bentov says the same emotional issues get worse in the next incarnation. Why I don’t know, and he doesn’t explain it any further.
From Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness
You saw what I wrote… Only deleted it because it was mentioned above…
You debrief, then if you so choose, reroll a new character/personality/ego and incarnate again.
Can we decide our physical appearance for next incarnation?
Nope, I’m afraid that’s all up to your soul lol
But who knows, maybe there’s some secrets we don’t know about
I think dream knows it I hope he answers.
after suicide you get the shipping confirmation email for the slr tag
Or look at the forum from hell and see;
“New release ; The way of Samurai”