What is love

…baby dont hurt me


Sorry, I had to.

I would like to know your opinion on what love is.
Feel free to give a short answer as well.


Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. Love can vary in intensity and can change over time.


Well it’s that ain’t it…



But i was going to comment that :roll_eyes: :unamused:


chemical reaction in the brain


Is this Love or Physics? :laughing::pray:

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love for physics

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I have no idea what Love is, well, maybe I have an idea, but I dont understand it…

Spoken like True A.I. Lol… :worried:

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It means you like someone. Because they are like you. You can enjoy all the ways they are different from you because of the way in which they are like you.

It means you enjoy someone. You take joy in their presence. You are happy just to spend time with them. You are happy to see them being happy.

It means you are kind to them because they are one of your kind.

And it means deeper things than these and different things than these at times but these are still good to remember.


Well, it seems that I have some ideas about love, idk, I guess I am also scared of love (?) - kind of, or rather, scared of failures, of suffering, etc., and I’m not talking just about sexual/romantic relationships, people usually start taking advantage of your kindness, but I guess I need to find a better path than just being fearful (of many things)…

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It’s an interesting question when we also ask ourselves:

”is it true love or just the attachment to this person?” :thinking:

You have 4 hours!

Nah, more seriously i had a first lessons in attachments this morning and if you are curious i would recommend to look into the work of John Bowbly (the first person to do research on attachments style) or Boris Cyrulnik on “Biology of attachments” (that’s in French btw, didn’t pay attention to it but you can still see if there’s an English version if you don’t speak French) maybe it could interest you and answers some of your questions too :relaxed:

I haven’t got time to look into it myself other than what i have learned in this first class, so i can’t develop more than that :woman_shrugging:t5:


Love (and truth, and energy, and consciousness) is time, space, and attention.

Any thing and anyone you give these to (including yourself, but it harder to do for ourselves) will blossom in front of your eyes.


No more :sneezing_face:


k i will just do it

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