What is your zodiac


Sun = X
Moon = Y
Venus= Z

Me: So are you X, Y or Z ?


(x/y)^z + c


Why i think you are so funny Mr. Josh. :joy:

I am…
Sun - Cancer
Moon - Aries
Ascendant - Sagittarius
Venus - Leo

Pluto - Scorpiochhh


You are X. Because the Sun is the Biggest star or “planet”. And it is Basic.

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Thanks for the info :+1:


You’re welcome.


Are you just arms or legs or stomach?

No. You are all of it and more…



I have to admit I can’t always tell when you’re trolling :D
Basically sun is important and all, being the center of the solar system blablabla AND its journey through the zodiacs is predictable since khm… it does a full round in a year.
So while Venus, Mars etc. Can be anywhere and you won’t know without checking, you would always know where the sun is based on the calendar day (1-2 day deviation around when it changes the zodiac, it’s called cusp).
This is why the sun sign is picked up by mass media like “You are XYZ”…
In reality if someone wanted to write an accurate description of a person, they would have to look at the whole picture (good analogy from Luna).

This is a lot of effort + is very individual and needs exact birth time and coordinates. Using this and an in depth analysis you get a detailed picture, so it could be that someone’s sun sign is Aries, but actually all the rest of the planets are in earth signs, so Aries won’t really be dominant for them…

This is why mainstream astrology and predictions don’t work (when they do that’s the exception not the rule).


Aha! We’re on the same boat (or should I say submarine)… ;)

I agree. Lots to be explored in those as well. I have had a Vedic reading a few years ago. So much light shed. Draconic chart is an interesting one too. More… timeless.

So true. As unique as fingerprints. Not to mention the general signature of one’s chart, which usually is totally different from its visible signs/planets.


Sun: Virgo
Moon: Gemini
Ascendant: Aries


I gotta admit i always laugh i just dont always express it because then thatd encourage him to do it more and some ppl are more sensitive to that dry humor. Lol

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Oh i dont know about this one… so here i go nerdy me sucking the internet about it :rofl:


i replied with my sidereal signs :clinking_glasses:

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Very balanced mix🤘🏼

Sun: Cancer
Moon: Libra
Ascendant: Libra

I’m human :roll_eyes:

Haha, thanks and thank you to @MonkeyOwl too



I’ve actually got sun, moon and ascendent in Sag :sweat_smile: but Venus in Scorpio

Yikes what a combo lol

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Sooo where is everybody’s Chiron? :smirk::smirk::sunglasses:

What is the main wound you were born with? Thats key too :slightly_smiling_face:

Where are your nodes? Those are your main obstacles in your evolution journey and your best weapon to keep u motivated.

These are the things we really need to look up for. Of course IMHO :partying_face:

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