What submakers (can) you vouch for?

Before trying Sapien’s videos I tried different subliminal videos, I also read about them on reddit and to be honest, there are many conflicting stories there, probably because each individual can have different results or experiences with a subliminal video or a submaker, and because people there were kind of skeptical of Sapien (and I had quite good results from him, after more than a week of using his videos/audios), I’m not sure If I can rely that much on some of those reddit users and that’s why I decided to ask for your opinions, views and if possible, experiences regarding subliminal videos and submakers.
So, which submaker would you recommend?
I should mention that I tried Luminalplay and Akuo and seen some results. At least for now, I consider them trustworthy.

Edit: I know that Sapien doesn’t use subliminals, but morphic fields (I don’t understand them, but I know they work).

We have a whole thread devoted to this discussion:
Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube


Oh, sorry. I guess I’ll read the answers there and perhaps also ask there.
Thank you for answering.

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There are subliminal makers that don’t use YouTube though that are quite reputable.