What to pair with alpha fields?

What fields for balancing out alpha male fields like testo/andro/dht. Want to be less aggressive.

First, reduce the amount you’re using these fields. Your aggression could be a sign that you started at too high a “dose” for you. Start low and, when you’re acclimated, ramp up from there.

Second, change the timing of these fields away from the times that you’ll be around people. This can give your system more time to better integrate your fields, so you’re not reacting from a spike of these energies.

Third, inappropriate (however you define that for you) agression is often a result of something that breeds to be healed within you. What your “something” might be is part of your journey of self-discovery and self-knowledge. Heal what needs to be healed.

Lastly, the various love fields (Become Whole, Love Graviton, Raise Your Vibration, VoDL are just a few that come to my mind). When we’re in true Love, we’re not “aggressive.” “Proactive” or “acting from personal power,” maybe, but not “aggressive.” ETA: This is last because “more fields” isn’t always (isn’t usually?) the answer.


Thinking about it, my anger is acutally justified. Its from how ive been treated by people for a long time and listening to the alpha field made me want to resolve those angry emotions. Yes your right! Its something i need to heal emotionally.


self realization fields


Become a Kinder, More Patient Person in All Ways Ver 2.0


Very observant and emotionally intelligent of you. :+1: