What unblocked chakras or open chakras have done in my experience

Hello friends. How are you all today? I have used Dream Seeds audio for Energy Blockage Removal video and I have honestly noticed no difference from that audio. I have used that video for maybe 2 weeks.

If any of you are in the same boat as me, use one of the videos from Meditative Minds Youtube channel to remove blockages from all 7 chakras. Don’t have much time? Do it while sleeping. I have used this video for maybe a week now and my mind feels more open and the heaviness from my heart is practically gone already.


Now here is the main point. I have noticed that I have been feeling a lot more sensations from Sapien’s videos as I have removed energetic blocks. Especially from the workout videos. This virus has kept me away from the gym. The upper body workout video is pumping my chest up as if I have actually worked out like I did before. Not only that but my arms feels sore to. I use this video 3 times a week 3 to 4 times on those days I use the video.

Im just amazed. So if any of you are feeling that your blocks are not being removed from the energy blockage remove video from dream seeds just go and use the above video I sent to you all.

Now. This is NOT to discredit Sapien or Dreamseeds or whatever you guys call him. I am just stating my experience. This channel is legit. When I say this channel is legit I straight up mean Sapien Medicine.


Hello @Rogue are these subliminals or what?

Seems like music based on some frequency and chants? I cannot feel any energy component in those videos unlike Sapien’s tracks.


This right here is not a subliminal at all. Simply frequencies covered with music.

I didn’t feel anything either. However here is the odd part. I had a dream that one of the actors of Money Heist choked on a ninja star while eating his food. Signifying the blocked throat chakra I had before. Interesting part is that when I woke up, my throat didn’t feel stuck like it did before. Heaviness from my heart disappeared to.



So it works with frequencies only?

From the looks of it yes. Now as far as subliminals go, they do work. But here is the key thing to subliminals be consistent and be detached from the outcome and results. Detachment truly makes magic happen. Like you would imagine some of the things that would happen in your reality but at the same time you get amazed when it comes into your reality. Now that’s when your belief starts to strengthen at least ten folds.

I’ve always had strange results from subliminals, if any at all… this is why I ask. I prefer not to use theme now.

What’s sleep meditation?
Meditation in a lucid dream?

Going to be real here. From the looks of it sleep meditation is in a way lucid dreaming. I have experienced some vivid dreams to while sleeping to that specific video. Overall my main goal from these videos while sleeping is simply to raise my vibrational frequency. Best part is when I wake up I dont feel overwhelmed by life or stress about it.

If you want to know about my subliminals experience, we can private message each other.

Wait, you just play the audio and sleep?

That is exactly what I have been doing. That to without headphones. Just on my speaker phones on a volume of around 7 out of 100.

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Ah ok, nothing to do with meditation than

Thanks for the suggestion though :+1:

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I also haven’t gotten the effect I wanted from the blockage removal vid. I wonder if the Chakra Growth ones on Gumroad will be better

Love Sapien Med as always :))

@cait_121 @Rogue Hey guys!

Try this frequency for free: Chakras Miracle https://aetherfrequencies.com/product/chakras-miracle/

It works on all chakras (not only on the 7 main ones).

And to strengthen your energy flow, try this: https://aetherfrequencies.com/product/energy-flow/

Hope it helps.

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Thanks for this but I am going to be real here. I don’t get good vibes from this channel. This channel gave me nightmares and acne.

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@El_Capitan_Nemo @SammyG

I’d like to be able to read your description of each chakra. There are many out there but I’d like to see the Sapien Medicine take on each chakra. Could you post that please?


If you’ve enroled in the Energy Awakening course, The 7 Chakras PDF in Section 13 contains excellent descriptions of each chakra.


Thank you!

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I could not find any thread about throat chakra :

A few days back I have seen a post on your YouTube channel about Throat chakra, I did not know, it was already existed on gumroad and I thought it’s about to release…

This Field is a real treasure which worth thousands of $.

Vishudhi(Throat Chakra) means filter, If it’s become Open, activate, expand and you have some mastery over it, you will start functioning in a different level of competence that ppl around you think , you are a superhuman, You will have access to other ways of functioning.

My experience: my Vishudhi was imbalance and wanted to work on it, I have been on Sadhana for more than a year, very difficult it was, in some part of Sadhana daily I was Caw Cawing like a crow :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: , it was uncomfortable and funny, I had to go to the desert to do it, not to disturb neighbors and they think I am a nuts, I am not joking…

I wanted to balance the chakra and not to expand, but the byproduct of that was to become a Weirdo in the eyes of ppl. You will have power and can easily transform your situation and be well known and so much more… It was fun for me to experience but not my cup of tea, You become a Powerful human,
Most occult competent are on Vishudhi activation.

I would like to ask does this field brings all these or it is limited and controlled by Dream.

Everything is stated in the description, including that it awaken clairaudience