What would happen if I left the sacred places album running on my tv all day while I’m not there?

Would it be better to just loop one audio/place? What would be a good volume? Thanks

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If you’re not home the volume doesn’t matter just don’t annoy someone else. It doesn’t matter where you loop if you can do each room of the house go for it. Try to stick with one audio or have a set time for each audio.


Yeah me too :frowning:


Well you could loop Mount Roraima and Dream might show up, since it’s one of his favorite spots on earth :joy:

And my two cents on @Sam_S question

I think these songs can train us to better receive conceptual information. When I listen to Es Vedra sensetions are bubbling up into my conscious.

One moment I feel a breeze on my arms, the next I feel like my feet are standing on stone, the next moment I can smell the mediterane see etc.

Might be, that the places have a special meaning behind them. Maybe the tracks show us special energy notes on earth or they are hints to the lost history of humanity, showing places that were once sacred to us…

or they simply are Dream’s favorite places on this planet.