What's the audio that forces you to face reality/ confront the truth


I can say that being that these are subjective sciences or experiences and although can be repeatable under specific methods, I found a few things according to where I’m at:

Find where you want to go and why.

Past the courses there were a few more stages I submitted to for the purpose of what I wished to experience.

For every enlightened state, there will be new dualities and little hints drop here and there that even when you reach the perceived end, there will be other logos to consider.

For this reason know what you’re doing this for, is it bliss and peace so that you have happiness with no suffering? If not, then what?

Rhetorical questions Of course.

If I were to go back to who I was five years ago, I would just tell him to know the importance of love first, recognition of who we are second, and only if truly still not satisfied to explore the light third. Which is how the courses are designed essentially without the third part.

The big aha as of late is just this:

Do what you have to do so that you can enjoy life under your unique interests and try your best not harm another on the way.


I don’t think bliss and peace are correlated to happiness; because happiness is an emotion, and emotions, temporary states. Anand, this peace or bliss , just naturally falls in place the more or higher one elevates; it becomes your essence. Whether I get to such a state in this life, ehh chances are more unlikely than not, so no, that’s not why I’m seeking “this”.

I do think however suffering is necessary, though- better yet, the remedy; its a necessary guide as the more one fails, the more one grows; pain is the place where the light enters

And as for the why….
well, why not?
The human body/experience is rare; it doesn’t keep occurring time and time again so I don’t want to waste time. But with that said
I want this because i want to remove both the
“I” and the “want” (the maya) and simply encounter or enter the
“the” (onkar or the absolute)

Will i get there?
Well like I said, probably not
But I’d rather die trying than not try at all

Idk maybe once Sam returns he can help me explain it better

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