What's the most number of Tags/NFTs/Mandalas you have worn?

With so many tags previously available, and mandalas and NFTs still available now, I thought I would ask the question:

What is the most number of Tags/NFTs/Mandalas you have worn at one time?

Could your energy system handle it, or do you feel the items were being rejected?
How did it feel?
Was the energy intense?
Would you do it again?
How many do you usually wear at a time?


Five tags. No nfts

Fame sigil. Enhanced glory. Subconscious limit removal. Voice of charismaa :lips: abundance and prosperity

Worn all of these 24 hr. Honestly I get used to the energy that I don’t even know they influence it anymore or not. But I know they’re working

I’m planning to put back the kitsune. But idk.


11 tags at the same time was the maximum at some point. When NFTs got introduced I reduced down to 7 tags and that is the amount that I am currently wearing.

I do not wear any tags at night. Eternity Redux and Arcturian Intercession are within my aura though while sleeping.

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I’m pretty sure VOC and Fame are working very well cause I always pay attention to your posts and feel very charmed lol :laughing:


I used to wear 18 or 19 tags before i went on a huge selling spree haha now i only wear 6 and a few custom items, but i do wear 17 double sided pendant NFTs now on this chain:

So there’s 34 NFTs there, i want to get 10 more double sided ones later on

I think i got 6 other nfts in my phone case and i probably got over 10 other nfts In my wallet

So atm: 40ish NFTs 6 tags, and a couple of custom items

This is how i like wearing it when I’m at the house now lol i like how the energy flows all around my head, i also forgot to mention i also have 2 pendants, advanced unlimited energy and social mastery

After i get 10 more tags, i want to weld the tags in place so it can always look seperated like that


thats wild man LOL

btw where do you get your custom tags from?


From here!:

When I’m in public, i just keep it in my pocket and only wear the 6 tags on my neck lol maybe one day when i get it welded, i might rock it, idk haha


Holy s…!!!
Are you still alive man?
That pic is insane haha!

I tend to wear 10-15 tags and when i begin to feel overwhelm i put away the “heavy” ones and brain tags.

NFTs i mostly don’t wear, but i focus on them while meditating. I have a custom tag kinetic aura though.

So mandalas and NFTs i use when needed


Are u a titan or are the tags small?

thats so cool


Ah that’s funny man haha nah the tags are real small lol, i thought they’d be bigger


Damn what happens when you remove all 40 of those :sweat_smile:

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Overall looks beautiful

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Seems like those tags make jingle sounds when you walk