What's your view about the Havana syndrome that only affects US and Canadian diplomats around the world?

Hi, I’m a longtime lurker of this forum and I finally created an account to discuss this.
So I was reading about this mysterious syndrome that started in 2016, this is the summary from Wikipedia:

Havana syndrome is a set of medical symptoms with unknown causes experienced mostly abroad by U.S. government officials and military personnel. The symptoms range in severity from pain and ringing in the ears to cognitive difficulties and were first reported in 2016 by U.S. and Canadian embassy staff in Havana, Cuba. Beginning in 2017, more people, including U.S. intelligence and military personnel and their families, reported having these symptoms in other places, such as China, Europe, and Washington, D.C. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havana_syndrome)

I immediately thought about morphogenetic fields and frequencies when I read this warning from the State Department.

The warning told anyone who experienced “unusual acute auditory or sensory phenomena accompanied by unusual sounds or piercing noises” to “not attempt to locate their source.”

The main theory of its cause is pulsed radiofrequency/microwave radiation exposure but I’m curious if is it actually possible to use fields or frequencies to cause harm? If so how can we protect ourselves?


1-no harm from Morphic Fields as radiation whatsoever

2-luckily not many Us or Canadian diplomatics around the forum anyway

3- if anything you can use the Elektrosmog album

4-say hi to the friend that encouraged you to finally create a profile :slight_smile:

maybe @SammyG can explain better


Servitors man, get the servitor to block the transmissions (if there is some radionic stuff being transmitted to soldiers over seas… Which wouldn’t surprise me)


Welcome to the forum!

It’s important (in general as well as specifically in this conversation) to make a distinction between the fields themselves and the sound frequencies that Sapien uses to carry their fields. The sound carrier is not the field.

I’m making this point because, according to the parts that you’ve bolded, it’s the sound that’s causing this problem and the sound is not part of their field, you see?

As you do more reading (which is hopefully what you were doing as you were lurking) you’ll come to learn that morphogenic fields are just information.

I suppose one could create morphogenic fields full of misinformation, just as one could fill a newspaper or website full of misinformation. I’m not particularly worried about that because, from what I’ve seen, the other creators of fields seem to create (forgive me) relatively ineffective fields*. So, I’m not particularly concerned.

*I don’t say this to start a pissing match or as a call to defend your favorite "other similar Channel". I’m simply explaining my personal opinion, based on my personal experience. Your mileage may vary, of course.


I’m pretty sure I remember them explicitly talking about frequency weapons, making them disoriented, then puke and worst if they stayed.

2015-17 in China they were all getting sick saying the chinese were using frequencies projected from surrounding buildings. Pretty sure some had died.

Édit: it’s possible, but if you know Dream, you know he’s a man with strict principles and genuine empathy. Even when people attack him, he sees their pain and trauma instead of seeing the attack itself and he tries to help.

Can’t speak for others



It’s possible, but my first thought is that it seems more plausible (to me) that it’d be a more “traditional” approach (like the frequencies Philip mentions) because:

  1. using morphogenic fields would require an open mind that most people don’t have (mind you, the CIA did produce a report to assess Monroe Institute’s Gateway Process…)

  2. from what I understand, creating efficacious fields requires pointed focus achievable through years of meditative practice, which makes it even less likely (also my naive self would like to believe that someone achieving that level of mastery through meditative means wouldn’t have such motives, but well, as mentioned, I can be naive haha)

In any case, since it’s unlikely the nature of “it” can be identified, I’d look for a solution that can encompass anything. So I wholeheartedly agree with @GoddessAndGodOfAll, servitors are your friends! You could just ask it/them to protect you from “it” without even knowing what “it” is :smiley:


Most of our fields these days are programmed onto originally produced music.

The kind of frequencies that would do that kind of damage are of disorienting frequencies that once you listen to, disorient you. Like if you listen to this frequency right here, you will instantly be disoriented.

I’m not quite sure what the havana frequencies are. They might be darkly programmed as well but I don’t know tbh. But even if we aren’t energy sensitive… our subconscious reacts strongly to negative frequencies. If our fields were producing frequencies that disorient you, we would be getting thousands of complaints.

How to protect yourself from something like that? Honestly, the best way is awareness. The more aware of your mind, body and energy you become, the more you can consciously catch onto what sounds have harmful intentions and which don’t. And then you can easily avoid them.

Setvitors as well. Our intercession audios from dreamseeds and repel negative energy as well are helpful for this.


The Havana device, or what not, from all reports seems like a frequency weapon.
Its likely, those were just tests.

well more like we can infer that, but…
just speculation here.