Which field for cerebral hemorrhage?

Which paid/free fields are safe/suitable after hospitalization for cerebral hemorrhage?

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That is terrible hope it is all fine now. All intercessions first as a priority followed by:

Stroke Prevention and Help
Advanced Healer++
Blood Pressure Reducer ver 2.0

But be careful with the vitals and recommend these only after discharged from the hospital and with the medication.


NO stroke only hemorrhage which was followed by discharge from hospital after reabsorption had begun

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Ok but the stroke field helps with the repair of blood vessels so definitely worth trying.


something that helps heal and strengthen blood vessels. probably vitamin C , and rest is important and avoid raising your blood pressure or exercising for a while

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Maybe this can be helpful (too/as well) (Vagus Nerve Stimulation):

Also, a few other suggestions:

@Fender_Cad I wish You or whomever needs help, the Fastest and Best Recovery! :pray:


Can playing Blueprint of Life help at this stage or is it too early?

You can try it, I also play it every day when my father is in emergency


Plasma Brain is OK?

Blood Pressure Reducer 2.0 or [Lower Your Blood Pressure?