Which of Sapien's paid audios have protection?

Thats something one of my brothers would say. :laughing:


I wonder if Dream has a special sight than can detect all users who have pirated products :eyes:


It wouldn’t surprise me if he has like IPF x100 @Mctoran


The audios that say “protected” are the ones that are protected, for example, plasma protocol is not protected so if I were to buy and share Plasma Protocol with my family (strictly in .mp3) then it would work fine for them and would work fine on me


I see it this way regarding sharing …

I want to share the audios that I bought to my two daughters when they are older, if they ask me. Like a heritage that is passed on. If they have the money to buy them later it will be fine for a balanced trade.

For my pendants, I will give them.

Regarding pantreon audios I will tell them to take a subscription to support sapiens medicine. I will explain to them that a well-chosen audio playlist can replace paid audio.

For the rest of the family, girlfriend and friends I will recommend that they buy it or take a patreon subscription.


This is so rich coming from a person like you. I knew something was wrong when my Bullshit Meter kept going off when reading your posts. A quick google search of your forum name reveals your youtube channel and the fact that you’re this guy. I wonder how much money you’ve personally cost the good Captain and other creators? How do you even have the face to join the forum? Some people have no shame I guess.

You need to be immediately perma-sitebanned from this forum. I hope the Captain marks you and deactivates all the fields and tags you have from working for you now and in the future. You’ve messed with his livelihood, its only fair.

I hope you change your ways and get better.

Back to Light of Savitur’ing. :v:

@Dreamweaver @SammyG

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That’s not him?




Seems the other poster has been removed.
He was posting to the known illegal trader.


Whatttt? That’s not me bro lol. I’m so confused. I was exposing that guy…

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Ah that explains it lol i had a feeling that was the case but i was like nah


@Ugninis What @_OM said is correct.

My reply was to a post made before Limael’s, which now seems to have been deleted along with the user in question (good job @moderators!).

His post went along the lines of, and i’m paraphrasing here - “…you shouldn’t share audios because thats bad…blah blah blah…”

but the strange thing that made my Bullshit Alarm go off was when he ended his post by saying something along the lines of “…but exchanging audios is basically okay because at least the creator gets some money”

That’s when I said…WTF??

and so I thought to myself…where have I read about somebody trading audios here on the forums before? Oh yeah…in the Muscles Beyond Limits thread. That’s also when I did a simple google search on the poster in question because his forum name was literally “TELEGRAM:xxxxx” as in his forum name was his actual telegram account. But the google search also revealed his youtube account which went by the same name. A quick scroll through it showed that he was in fact the same person from @ArabianHercules’s post (I wasn’t trying to implicate you in anything, I was referring to the screenshots of the guys instagram :grinning:). It was a bunch of videos of him chronicling his bodybuilding workouts and a bunch of other things.

The person in question also made several sketchy replies to a few forum posts by saying “Let’s trade” multiple times and also recommending a bunch of “sub makers” for for various things. Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing, but intuitively speaking, he seemed to be giving off some weird disingenuous vibes from my point of view.

@Eli After a couple of hours of chanting, my throat tends to get reeeeaaaalll jacked up, so I had to take a break to loop some Detoxed Plasmatron life and Cosmo-Volt to heal up a bit so I could go back at it again :grin: That’s when I went to the forums to check this out.

I’m sorry for any confusion this has caused.

Detective Nature Boy OUT!


All good bro. Good eye! I thought I did something lol


Yeah I’ve gotten PMs about that too and when I say “They won’t work if shared, are you going to buy it for me?” The conversation mysteriously ends :thinking::laughing:


I have a similar question, I’ve purchased a field called Acu-automation – I wonder, if I ever open a practice whether I can use it on clients and whether it’ll affect them since they have not purchased it, I have purchased it, however.

Does goes for all fields by the way? Can I still affect other people?


Probably the same guy hit and running people’s inbox usinf multiple accounts after he gets banned lol

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Wow that’s sad

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Be great if we could give him a Field that gives him Jock Itch!

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@Premintarsia Contacted their support and let’s see what they have to say. And I suggest you to remove these links otherwise some spineless people will ACTUALLY buy from these sites lol
Send him or mods in private if you want

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I deleted the whole post to be quick about it!

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