Oh, sad, my skin is too pale in winter…
Can you provide the download link of Genetic Change for White Skin Audio? Thanks
Just scroll upwards. There are links, but when you click on them they dont take u to a page where u can listen.
I remember when those audios were posted, they were controversial back then (and in a “hidden stash”). And I think Dreamweaver wrote that he may pull or delete them afterwards. They were always experimental .
The experiment was good but only for few hours after looping the audio. I always wake up with extreme pale skin and even my mom said to me ( why you wearing power on your face)
But the results from it didn’t lasts hours after waking up the skin back to where it was again… I wish it’s still there
The Audio is no longer available
(Just as a gentle reminder, here on this forum, we don’t share files or ask others to send us copies of audios. It’s bad form and against the forum’s rules.)