Why is the first time most intense?

When I first listened to vibration of creation, I entered this “5K mode” where everything expanded and felt surreal. Nowadays, after 2 months, I feel much less from that audio. Same thing from almost every other audio I listen to.

So, my question: Is there an explanation behind why the first listen or first few are always the most intense? I thought audios increase in effectiveness over time? Do they?


That’s what I figured.

However, I heard as you get more used to an energy, it becomes stronger over time. Does the effectiveness get any stronger over time?

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The reason for this is because your body gets used to the audio. After listening to it for a few days, your body sort of adjusts to it and it won’t be completely new for your body. The longer you se the field, the more effective it gets. Just because you are not feeling anything from it, does not mean it does not work. Most people are not energy sensitive


The reason for this is because you have no experience with it.

As with anything in life, feeling something and doing something are different things.

Some audios target and awake specific energy and neuro paths on our bodies, so we really feel them. Then, after being awakened, unless a much more powerful thing emerges, the effects will be subtler.

It does not mean it isn’t working! Your body just reached a new “standard”. Same as energy. The moment you reach a higher level, you feel high, powerful and what not. But once you are there, you stop feeling it. Becomes normal. Nonetheless, if you interact with someone on a different level they will.

I learned this from Qi Gong. At certain times, I can electrify people, and some can’t be around me when the energy is raw. After a few minutes around me, if we held hands, they tend to feel better and receive an energy surplus. Later on, they stop feeling anything.

With audios is the same. After the novelty rush, your body synchs with them, and how good it is. From an evolutionary perspective.


Clickbait title

I like it.


I had the same experience with DMT audio. At my first listen I really felt something in my forehead and then there were some intense twitching near my right eyebrow then I didn’t feel it again.

Did you have any visions?

Same with me the first time I heard VoDl and the first time I wore my ascension tag, although it wasn’t that fun not sleeping for 3 days straight getting accustomed to the energies lol



So what does this mean? Do we not repeat them with dosages? Not sure what this implies to how we use them…

I swear that if I had not read that the topic was created in the audios part I would understand this in a totally wrong way.

It doesn’t mean anything really.
Some people want the “high” that comes from an audio/field from the first few listens.

That “high” is the removal of some type of blockage of one’s true self (works the same for actual drugs…but that’s a discussion for another day)

Listen to the audios as directed.