I would say money plays a major role and influences most of the things you mentioned
I can’t say for sure if the world we live in is inherently bad or evil. Corrupted would be a more appropriate word.
Mass consumerism definitely plays a major role in shaping our lives and the people around us.
They’re trying to make you become their product, to collect your informations to sell you more, to give you a false illusion of socialization by promoting social media usage, to instill fear and uncertainty and ultimately control you better trough mass medias, to fill your head with useless garbage supplied by cheap dopamine hits, to reduce your attention span and your manhood. So that you’re easier to control. You’re easier to marketize.
Ultimately, all these patterns lead to a destination: money.
Everything is made to be as addictive as possible, and fuck the consequences on the people and the planet. The only thing you can do is live your life the best way you can and want given the circumstances you find yourself into, avoiding certain things and trying to do as much good as possible. And this also means trying to make the people you love do the same.
This was amazing answer, and I agree 100%.
We all stumble in this life, and we fall, we make amazing progress only to experience setbacks. It is the circle of life. The age old, ‘why is the world evil’ question, it is something which one could spend a lifetime to answer. Perhaps the answer could be quite simple as well, depending on who responds, or rather, who wishes to engage in such a topic. Not to imply that it isn’t a topic that should be discussed; but in my humble opinion, it is not the why which needs to be answered, but the best ways to solve it. I cannot claim to have the answers to anything really, for all I know is that tomorrow is a mystery.
So many lovely folks here in the forum with well intended, beautiful advice, that wish to help on our quests for enlightenment. Sometimes we are so busy looking for a solution we miss the answers.
I once heard a quote, which I cannot claim to know its origin in the least, maybe read it on a random meme somewhere lol. But somewhere along the lines is how I generally live my life, and that is basically, ‘leave this world a better place than you found it.’
Perhaps we shouldn’t worry so much about why others do the things they do, hurtful as they may be, and focus on our journey.
lovely words Brandi
Thanks. Right back at you.
Good luck with that👍
Instead of asking your question ‘why is the world so evil?’
Why not ask. why is the world so beautiful?
Different questions open the doors to different possibilities.
This. I swear you described Bangladesh to a T. Like straight up. Thank the universe I don’t live in that awful place. So many people are dying of cancer because there is food adulteration everywhere. Not to mention, I almost caught hepatitis from being over there for an entire month. So I understand what you mean.
You wonder will it ever change? more than likely no. But what can we do? Probably just play love gravitational wave or love graviton, spread love around the world energetically which in turn will raise your vibration. Possibly enough to where you do not have to come back to this Earth.
(I’m not a big fan of this Earth either, not trying to be negative but yeah)
Also. If you change your perception, the world won’t feel so evil. Try to fool yourself a little bit by asking “why is the world so friendly and harmonious for me?” I learned this thing called askfirmations. Try it and see what happens.
You’re left with a tribe of 80,000,000. That enough. Plus, it’s not 99%; it’s a soft 80% at most.
My diet is low-carb/keto-ish. Even when I started, I never felt like the population was against me. I can be somewhat chatty in grocery stores. In turns out lots of people were trying to make a similar change.
It is a trick of mass media to make it seem like there’s a monoculture on every topic, but that’s not close to being true even if the first page of search results says otherwise.
Divide et impera
If all people in your house are doing drugs, and entire street are doing drugs, you can try and not do them. You might even be successful at it. But drugs will still impact you in some way or another.
Same with many stuff I described, including diet. I do keto also, and while it is possible to eat 90% healthy, it is almost impossible to eat 100% healthy.
90% is enough for me. But even with those 90%, it can still be a fight. Almost all food in supermarket is unhealthy. Almost no restaurants that serve healthy food, most of them use those bad seed oils that poison your body. Friends will push you to eat some messy food with them. Healthy food is more expensive. It is much easier to stay home on your phone, then to go take a walk. etc etc
It is much easier to be unhealthy then healthy, MUCH easier. I just wished it would be other way around.
And yes, some people, try to change themself for the better, keto is good example, it became popular in last few years. But still, the system itself is against you, billion dollars pharma companies are against you. Do you remember what happened 3 years ago? Everybody was locked in their houses, news spreaded fear, forced you to get jabs. All that happened for main 2 reasons: For pharma to earn billions of dollars, and for them to test how far they can push people before they raise up - (simply control).
I myself try to be positive, and actually am, and I do have relativly good life, and lifestyle. But it still suck that system is such awful place. Some people here are pretending that they dont mind it, to only look on positive side etc, but its all pretending to be above it all. Its fake. It will impact all of us in some way or another, only possible way to ignore it completely is to not be smart enough to see it.
And yes, news do make you think you are alone, but that is one aspect of what I am complaining about. Its part of the system. And I personally dont ever watch it, but last year I went to see my family and they were all sitting and watching news about situation between those 2 countries, like zombies. I had to go to another room and be alone in order to avoid it. It cant be ignored and I cant pretend its not there sometimes.
And yes, even google controls searches, I am 100% sure in that, and we all use Google, or most of us at least?
When you really think about it, the line from the Matrix is true “I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”.
So you basically claim that I see a world as an evil place because I am at my current level of awareness, vibration etc?
And people like Sapien would see a world as a loving place because they are better, more purifier, have higher vibrations etc whatever you want to call it?
Yes or no?
If yes, why even Sapien has in each description of his videos note that says that current world is ran by ego and not unity, that its dark place etc?
Even more “enlightened people” also claim that world is bad and people are idiots.
That being said, I do understand my current level of awareness will impact how I see my bubble of reality, and how people treat me, what happens to me etc, but it will not change the entire world, 8 billion people would have to change in order for that to happen.
I watched the scenes you linked to, BUT here is an advice. While metaphors and examples are better to explain stuff, don’t use something a person is not familiar with, like that show which as many seasons and get very complicated. You might clearly understand it, but if I do it for you for a show you didn’t watch, you will feel lost as well
How to ignore it when stuff like this happens?
Imagine if they did the same to Sapien medicine? Would you guys be able to just ignore?
No. They simply see the world as it truly is, which is neither Good, nor, Evil. They also know their actual place in the world.
Again, you are misinterpreting it because you are stuck in a different level, this is exactly what it says (read the part I highlighted in bold):
Helping, fixing, and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as a whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul
With a world that is primarily governed by materialism and science, it is very difficult for people to fully grasp the concept of spiritual healing. People are too concerned with making themselves the best if not the most affluent. There is a race for time and wealth, and in all aspects of materialism that most of the time they already forget the need to fill in the gaps within their souls.
And with all of the material things and richness that engulf a person, there is still the feeling of dissatisfaction and discontentment for reasons he can vaguely quite point out. It is only on such an event that this person truly realizes his needs for something far beyond the riches or fame; and when he can fully say that he is at peace and truly satisfied with his life.
If you live with a lot of stress, anxiety, and the like, your health and well-being may not be in danger today. But where is it going to take you? Stress is an epidemic that is eroding our quality of life, individually and collectively. All at a time when making a shift into a happier and more loving world is a real option. It’s truly a choice.
With some simple changes mentioned in dream seeds, you can experience transformational shifts in your life, and touch everyone around you in positive ways. You can also be part of a powerful force that can transform the world. It’s a win-win for everyone!
Only if you don’t provide the right supplementary context. I did, if it confuses you, that’s on you.
Anyway, as helpless as your case seems, the hand of the Divine works in mysterious ways… so who knows? I’ll be rooting for you, adventurer.
By the by, when I mentioned Divide et Imperia, isn’t Good and Evil also a Division? So what is being divided? and what is being conquered?
It’s because the world we live in is ruled by evil, that’s why. The sad thing is that it’s always been like this throughout history, and I don’t think anything will ever change.
It kind of makes me wonder if we’re all just living in a hellish realm or plane of existence, because I wouldn’t call this place heavenly, that’s for sure. In another instance, I also get the feeling that Earth is supposed to be a thrall world or colony to breed slaves, quite similar to farm animals.
Don’t get me wrong, there are many good people on this planet, but they have no power or control to do anything, and they certainly don’t have the force to defeat the kind of evil we’re all up against. Humanity has never succeeded against it because this evil is far too strong. There’s nothing more powerful in this world than fear; that’s how it’s always ruled.
Just ask where am I at on this scale?
Where are they at?
What question can I ask to change this?
Truth who am I actually talking to? Their inner being or something or someone else?
I like the “Clinically proven” statement above