This is an important question if people want to develop “superhuman abilities” or “superhuman powers”. Energetic programmed audios are created by people with amazing powers, and it’s mind blowing what these audios can do for me/us. I really have to rethink what is possible and what is not possible, but my mind also feels more free than ever, because slowly but surely I’m really starting to believe that we are so much more capable of than what most people think.
It’s like Morpheus (from The Matrix) is telling us that we must learn to free our mind. And then amazing things are possible.
The reason why I want to develop my “superhuman abilities” or “superhuman powers”, is that it can be used for good. Superhuman powers can be used to improve my health, immune system, flexibility, strength and so many other things. That’s why I find biokinesis so interesting. But I’m not interested in destructive superpowers. Why wants someone learn destructive superpowers? To destroy something and/or to hurt someone? Many of us watched (anime) movies when we were young, but we are not living in a movie. This is real life and superpowers should only be used for good. Unfortunately, there is so much evil in this world, and it’s horrible what governments are doing to people. It makes so much people (include me) feel so powerless. So, maybe “destructive superpowers” should only be used for self-defence so we are able to survive in this crazy world.