Why you want "superhuman abilities" or "superhuman powers"?

This is an important question if people want to develop “superhuman abilities” or “superhuman powers”. Energetic programmed audios are created by people with amazing powers, and it’s mind blowing what these audios can do for me/us. I really have to rethink what is possible and what is not possible, but my mind also feels more free than ever, because slowly but surely I’m really starting to believe that we are so much more capable of than what most people think.
It’s like Morpheus (from The Matrix) is telling us that we must learn to free our mind. And then amazing things are possible.

The reason why I want to develop my “superhuman abilities” or “superhuman powers”, is that it can be used for good. Superhuman powers can be used to improve my health, immune system, flexibility, strength and so many other things. That’s why I find biokinesis so interesting. But I’m not interested in destructive superpowers. Why wants someone learn destructive superpowers? To destroy something and/or to hurt someone? Many of us watched (anime) movies when we were young, but we are not living in a movie. This is real life and superpowers should only be used for good. Unfortunately, there is so much evil in this world, and it’s horrible what governments are doing to people. It makes so much people (include me) feel so powerless. So, maybe “destructive superpowers” should only be used for self-defence so we are able to survive in this crazy world.


So, now you know why I’m listening to energetic programmed audios/fields such as “Superhuman DNA”.


The problem is here:

(no not saying those are bad btw)


Yes, letting go of ego is important.

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Listening to energetic programmed audios such as Remove subconscious mind limitations(morphic energy programmed) - YouTube are great to remove subconscious limits. When you’re truly free, then you don’t “want” superpowers, but you “know” you have “superpowers”. Or in Morpheus words (from the Matrix) “Free your mind”. Because if your mind is truly free, then there are no limits.


Since you are new, let me explain to you that you are on Sapien Medicine’s forum.

We here talk about Sapien Medicine’s creator

And that goes for the other new member that i saw typing but stopped

Often times we see new members (we welcome everybody yes) that jump in all kinds of different posts, or create new posts, seemingly knowledgeable and eager to give advices to the existing members (thank you) but never mention not even once, any of the fields by SapienMed at all, neither questions or testimonies about any field.

And then eventually there it is… the link to other creators, the smooth advice to direct members to other approaches etc.

Im sorry but that behavior only turns on red flags.

Its ok tho, just i wonder why it always happens in the same pattern and its so obvious.

Not only you and the other one have not shared anything in regards of SapienMe but this particular post i find it offensive.

Because in a way it has implicit the name of one of his field “Super Human” and in different posts (im sure youve seen them) we discuss about fields that can take us to a super human levels…

And this post is literally putting those practices down.

How are you and this post contributing to the forum for the sake of the creator or the members here that follow this creator since you joined the forum?

You can just directly go to

“Classified” thread


Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube

And cut to the chase.

If i am mistaking you then id apologize when i see you sharing your positive experiences using any of Dream Weaver’s channels. Or payable fields.


The psychic powers would not come without letting go the ego. The More your ego dissipate the more psychic powers unlocks. The developing part is mainly your commitment time in energetic work and chakras meditations.
Psychic power for me beside helping and to cut with the boredom in my life.


I was completely unaware of any wrongdoing.

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.

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Gaia aware of these power and she will not let people do it to certain extent. This is also why someone working so hard to gain these stuff but eventually only hurting themselves. Especially if they use it for bad intentions And ( if this come with ego/ for showing up ) In the end you as a soul already has this massive abilities it’s just that the ego and your finite body prevent you from accessing that to its pure potential. Unless if someone really engliten enough then the power revealing.

But what power if you don’t wish to use it anyway. This is what most enlightened people do. They can do so many things but they don’t want to because they are so self aware when ego surging up


Enjoy the forum and looking forward to read your reviews on SapMed fields.

The problem is not having a different opinion, (we welcome that) the problem is having a different opinion before actually trying on this or that field, thats just personal assumption and a slap to the creators effort and good intention to help us.

Im not gonna lie, we frown upon new members that come in sharing other creators links, giving us right away opinions againsts Sapiens fields etc and yet after a few days not one single review. We are protective because we are very thankful to all he does for humanity and our healing/evolution and again, it is ok if someone doesnt find it appealing to their way of living, but then we ask ourselves, why are they here then? Curious? Thats great! Skeptical? Very respectable and its ok.

But my advice tho so we dont reject your inputs here and there and you enjoy the forum is to first observe and read around, get to know us, the forum, the creators channels etc, ask questions if you like, about how to best start using the fields, use the research bar for different aims you may have, try some fields, if they work good, please come and add the positive, if they dont work thats ok too, people reports that they havent seen any progress and what they could do to improve and we help them we always do, we want everybody to succeed

But think of it like if you own a restuarant that you have worked hard for and someone that hasnt eaten there just storms in when the restaurant is full of Patreons and just loudly (creating a post) announces that he/she thinks that the way some of the dishes in the Menu are made or what are for are aweful because this and that, without the person having tried ANY yet, and then say

this is why ladies and gentlemen i eat at this place instead which is great here is the adress and some samples of their food

I mean…

But ok, again welcome, i hope you try fields then share with us your experience.


I admire what he is doing for people. I saw a lot of positive comments from people who are helped, thanks to his fields. It’s amazing.

Yes, there is so much to read here, so I need to take some time. I find it very interesting, but even too much interesting information at once can cause information overload.

Yes, I understand what you are saying.

Thank you for giving me a second chance.

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No no i am nobody to be giving or taking away chances ok :blush:

And feel free to participate as you use and learn

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