Wildflowers Album (YT/Patreon)

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If anyone has ever used Bach flower essences will know how powerful these can be.
Have used St.John’s wort essence in the past for depression and it worked so well. Now we have the energetic versions of all these. :heart_eyes:

Thank you, Dream!!


In addition to what Lucky shared, If you want to learn more about Bach Flower Essences or in general about the flowers properties - Bach® Original Flower Remedies | OFFICIAL Bach Remedy Website

edit - just checked their site and they actually don’t have as many essences as they used to.


Amazing. I’ve been using different combinations of flower essences with my naturopath for about a decade, with great results through so many categories. Breaking through health plateaus, career blocks, emotional blockages, grief, trauma… Always such a subtle, beautiful process to work with them. I’d be on a formula for a month, and by week 2 or 3 I’d start looking around for the emotional issue i was treating only to find it had suddenly — silently — receded.

Flowers are not to be underestimated.


my suggestion based on the knowledge of Zen Master Karuna, because I like ordering things, here is a coherent order of those audios:

  1. Agrimony: For protection and to banish negative energies.
  2. Mugwort: To enhance dreams and psychic abilities, and for purification.
  3. Rosemary: For protection, memory, and clarity.
  4. Blue Vervain: For tranquility, peace, and calming nerves.
  5. St John’s Wort: For emotional well-being and to ward off negative spirits.
  6. Red Clover: For purification and cleansing.
  7. Wild Marjoram: For happiness, protection, and to seal the practice with a sense of well-being.

thank you @Dreamweaver!


Streaming and buying options:

Wildflowers by Sapien Medicine (songwhip.com)


A while ago a person told me about some remedies called Bach flowers and said that they could cure almost everything, especially mental problems such as depression and OCD among many others. I didn’t give it much importance and I had forgotten about it until now and apparently according to what I have researched and what has been commented on in this post, those flowers or their extract have many properties even beyond the physical body.
Thanks Dream for this.:pray:t3:


Yes they’re incredible. The Bach series is good and there are other groupings as well (Australian Bush Essences, FES) — all with unique healing attributes. I think it’s helpful to have a practitioner who can muscle test you for them and put you on a targeted combo, but even just seeking one out online and trying it can have benefits. They only work to balance you — they can’t ever really throw you off (according to my naturopath). The ultimate do-no-harm treatment.

Maybe there’s a project we can start that has the entire index of flower essences within itself and is constantly making new formulas for what you need… :bulb:


The Black Orchid NFT

uh-ohh :D


i always have the Bach Rescue Remedy with me :ambulance: !

Thank you @Dreamweaver


I used st. Johns wart a long time ago and saw benefits from it but eventually stopped due to side effects. It would be awesome to get the benefits of this without the drawbacks.

Thank you.

Amazing!! Going on my list. Sometimes i can’t keep track of all the incredible projects that have been created. :raised_hands:

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I hope she comes to visit you soon :) For remedies, the best practice has been tapping into the intelligence of the each ingredient, present with you or not, and letting her awaken the full spectrum of that. Works so well with magical ingredients and herbal tea blends.

But I really came here to talk about mugwort :D and I’d sooo love to see Juniper on a blend!

a surprising release!


Amazing release!

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In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mugwort (Artemisia argyi or Artemisia vulgaris) is used for warming the meridians, unblocking the blood vessels, dispelling cold from the body, and replenishing yang energy. There is a treatment called moxibustion.



Oh for the love of wildflowers, thank you deeply Cap!! :sparkling_heart: :pray:

Hehe me too

some of my Bach bottles army

Thankfully we have them in a field, funny people at the airport check shakes their head finding them in my hand carry lol

𝒜𝑔𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑜𝓃𝓎 to me has been a pick me up.

From Bach® : Don’t hide your troubles behind a smile. Open up and communicate your real feelings. The positive potential of Agrimony is genuine cheerfulness and self-acceptance.

Also on Patreon Shop :arrow_heading_down:

7 tracks featuring the energy and essence of wildflowers
(Free for premium subscribers)


Rosemary oil should be good for hair growth!


It would be beautiful if the album cover could be made into a mandala :heart:



In 2015, there was a study that experimented with rosemary and the FDA-approved drug minoxidil (also known as Rogaine). One group used rosemary and the other group used Rogaine. Six months later, the results showed that rosemary was used. Hair growth increased significantly in both groups with Rogaine. However, Dr. Hadley King also conservatively stated that more research is needed to evaluate whether rosemary essential oil can help hair growth, and because of the hair growth cycle, it is not appropriate to use any Products take more than 6 months to be effective.