Womb Healing

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Could somebody tell me what this is about

should i remove this audio?

Its a simple thing, if you have a womb you can get it healed.
if you dont it wont work.

I frankly donā€™t care what anybody calls themselves.
If you have a biological womb it will work on that.
If you donā€™t, it wont

I am not sure what else it was supposed to mean.

I dont know what ā€˜captainā€™ meant well or whatever either means.
This is just a plain obvious thing.

If you have a physical womb it will work
if you dontā€¦ there is nothing to target.


God forbid, please keep the audio.

I meant that you do good to everyone, all people, regardless of terms.


Okay thanks,

But there is nothing to stand up to, or an excuse to be made for me.

It was a very solid logical statement, and it should stand on its own.
I just dont see it.
There are lots of women who hate being called women.
and lots of women missing wombs.

The easiest statement to make, is that is for people with biological wombs
cause that is what it works on.


Ok, if this is for uterus healing, then it`s more clear.
We obviously all appreciate the work done.

I think my (really neutral) question got swept up, haha.

Is this just for the uterus or does it also help the ovaries-

Thanks always.


Yeah, but ovaries are sometimes included in surgeries involving the womb. For instance in a hysterectomy, the ovaries are often removed as well. Itā€™s a grey area so thatā€™s why I asked

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Just that specific area :)


I use womb care from the book, Attune to Divinity, very wellrounded, including hysterectomy, overies, ā€¦
ā€¢ Even for men, as it helps balance their female energy

Thank you for the audio Sapien. Iā€™m trying this to see if it helps my prolapse.

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it makes me aware of alot of dark emothions i hold in my womb i was surpiesed by them never thought i have these , i release them with some help ā€¦

i tried it before but i didnā€™t notice much but toady i did a playlist for ( legs healing from sigh for grounded ) , (alignment of power from psychic ) and some light language audios ā€¦ and protection

i mean sometimes good healing audioes need support to work.

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May this one could help with Adenomyosis (or Endometriosis)? But mainly Adenomyosisā€¦