Wombo combo hard motivation/perseverance

I need your help.

I am in a situation where I am sorely lacking in motivation for anything and everything. I have a goal, yes. I have Glory, yes too. But the problem is, I don’t know how to get there.

Let me explain to you, my dream is to become a doctor.

The problem is that I am currently doing a job that I do not like while waiting to have a chance to study which I want. The problem is that in France, the selection for university is literally a fucking lottery. I’ve been trying for a future for two years, and two years since I’ve been rejected every time. It’s morally tough.

I don’t know what to do … I have a lot of audios and tags at my disposal but I don’t know what combo to do (what a shame I know …). Or just what audios/ tags I should focus on in order to get the most out of it.

If you have any ideas I am interested because I am someone who is very very very undecided on all levels of my life except my dream that I have had in mind for years, it has absolutely not changed.



Id say add the SLR tag or loop the audio and loop the magician + wheel of fortune as well while either meditating about your goal or write down on repeat that what you want.

Probability alteration and luck could be a good add as well

And if you just lack perseverance Unstoppable will power + productivity mandala from instagram could help


May not like my proposition or maybe you do, but how about getting best path in life first and let it figure out what’s your goal or path, and then use glory to reach this goal, glory is good yeah but as you see on your own, without a set goal you want to achieve it isnt what you need in a moment of being lost in his own path


Alright I think I’ve found the perfect audio for me

  • SLR tag and Glory

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