Would you like "Attract Girls" audio from Sapien? (Vote)

I see, I think that may be because the audio includes androstenol, I’ve read that some people feel that way when they use the androstenol audio. your most carnal and dark side is activated according to some. like an animal.

Yes, something like that, when you wanna fight or something, its not evil, its just your dark side. Soo I will give it a shot again.

I just posted results for face symmetry, check it out if you want! :)

In any case, you would still need to talk to them.






Sorry for hijacking the thread, I’ve been in a meme making mood :smiley:


There’s a number of fields that help with this.

I know quite a few people on the forum who buy a number of these fields but never take action.

Their results are 0.

There’s simply no amount of tricks or techniques or even fields that are going to replace actually changing your life and becoming a more attractive person.

I bought Socializer V1, Socializer V2, Matchmaker, Blueprint of Love, Masculine Flow, helped in the creation of the Magnetic Male, etc etc. That’s not even to mention the number of other products from other creators I’ve bought and courses I’ve studied.

The only thing that helped me was going out amongst people and actually socializing.

I’m sure the fields helped in some ways, but on my current path they actually became a distraction. I do have The Prince, but I don’t really use it for attraction. It includes so many different energies and changes that it can be used for a number of reasons. I’ve successfully gone out without any fields specifically to test, and still had a great time and created lots of attraction. My dating life wouldn’t be any different with or without it.

Before asking about fields, examine your own intentions.

Its unfortunate but a lot of men have completely unrealistic expectations about this part of their life. They actually believe the copy and things they see on this topic.

Its fake.

They make money off of idiots who believe it. Then these same idiots go out expecting that any of this is supposed to get them laid, fail, and then turn around and buy even more products. I used to be an idiot like this. I took a hard stance and changed my social and sexual life on my own. I explored, made mistakes, I’m still alive to tell about it.

My advice to you is don’t be an idiot.

Don’t actually think that what you read in copy or descriptions of products works in the real world.

It doesn’t.

Most of these expectations are set by gurus who make such things impossible so you keep running back for more products. Many men need to see a therapist long before they even think about getting into a relationship of any sort.

Realistically speaking I’ve bedded more women than the majority of coaches who teach this crap, if that’s a measure of skill. I don’t say this to brag, I say it to highlight how awfully inept they are at attraction. The actual statistics on this stuff is at best 5-6% of the women they meet and talk to actually end up having sex with them. You may see the highlight reel and think that’s real, and its not. There are very many paid actors as well. Self-development is a multi-billion dollar industry now. You can ensure that a lot of these people are going to give it their all to scam as many people as possible.

When I speak to men who actually meet these people in real life, they don’t describe uber attractive people who have their shit together. Its just another marketer making money off of fools.

People who are fulfilled and healed don’t buy things. The trick is to keep you stupid and having completely unrealistic expectations so you never really succeed.


Yes, but only in such a way that it is Not too strong And in a way that we attract only those who like or who might like us already, so it’s a Nudge, not a very powerful magnetism.


I don’t know dude, it’s like you are saying right and wrong stuff at the same time. Once in State Akin To Sleep, I imagine a beautiful girl with good body, looking at me, like she wants me. And next day, I was just walking outside and it happened. Didn’t have to go out of my way for it to happen.

One time I listened to subliminal to attract girls, and this girl sent me a message on my instagram saying how she loved to talk to me and stuff and gave me her phone number loool

Once I was driving, and picking my nose, loool, and 2 VERY beautiful girl where saying Hi to me and acting all kind of weird with me, this was my manifestation as I felt sexy at the moment I didn’t care (Neville Goddard method but without intention, I just felt sexy before falling asleep)

So while I do agree with some areas with you, I don’t think it’s all fake, or that field like this couldn’t drasstacily improve your odds of getting a girl or even girls. Especially if done right with knowledge that Sapien has :slight_smile:

Girls hit me all the time tho, it’s just my belief that I am very attractive and beautiful, however over last few years I got a little bit fat, and now Im losing weight (again) so I am feeling more sexier every day!

Also, I don’t see a reason not to have Sapien make this field, it would be very popular and he could charge a lot for it even if he wanted to. But I do understand that self love, talking to people and stuff will get you there also, it’s just that there are other methods, but yes, you will still have to leave your house and talk to them (well you could manifest them coming to you but can you really believe that?)


I’m arguing more against people who buy fields and don’t take action. No amount of fields can replace actually gaining experience in this area of your life. I created several fields for this purpose and I used to use subliminals as well.

I know the effects they can create.

Until I personally started going out of my way to improve, I didn’t have great results with relationships. A lot of people are stuck in this boat of not taking action.

You seem like you take action and have a high degree of self-love, so it doesn’t really apply to you.

Part of my post is also a continuation of themes by about increasing penis size, or becoming more attractive, or the controversy with the old Androstenol field. There are a lot of users who don’t take action and then blame the field.

I was in a similar situation so I have invested a great amount of time into breaking away from this and other negativity in my life.

Also, as stated above, I’m using The Prince NFT :stuck_out_tongue: I’m aware of the attraction it creates. I’m also saying that even without it, I would still have a great dating life. Definitely a great boost and bonus, but never a replacement for actual self-growth.


Well I listen to Sapiens self love audios, so that’s why I have self love, but I still need to practise much more :slight_smile:

There are also subliminals for self love, but I didn’t bother too much with it…

Well yes, if you dont love yourself, dont take action and are insecure, subliminals and audios will have much harder task to do. But, there are audios for that situation as well, ones that will improve core of your being, and then if you listen to attract girls and stuff it should work much much better. Also, you could listen to subliminals such as “I am outgoing and like to hang out with people” “When I see a hot girl I approach her right away” “I am very brave in socials situations” etc, and fix those…

I found that many problems in life can be fixed with audios, such as morphic fields, and subliminals if done well.

BUT, and this is I believe point of your post, if you don’t do the work, you are sabotaging yourself, such as, yes you could listen to lose weight subliminals, and morphic fields, but you have 2 options in real life.
One is to eat 10 pancakes a day, and other is to go on diet and go running. No matter what you listen to, if you eat too much you wont lose weight, I tried it, and its not limiting belief. Well, in theory of the new age stuff it might be true, but in practise, its dangerous advice.

So if you do the work WITH the audios, you could do amazingly. Work being, fixing your looks, your game, getting a nice watch, perfume, dress better, lose weight, go out to social events, go do hobbies, practise self love, go buy a nice car or make more money, fix symmetry of the face, and many other stuff.

When you do all these, with audios, you will come a long way. I think if that is your point I do agree very much. But a field to attract girls, from Sapien? O M G

Well it must exist in one reality since creation is finished right? :frowning: Ohh, if I ever wake up to that audio, I will be soo happy lol :smiley:

That, or height grow 3.0 that opens growth plates omgg :D


You might find this useful:

"…you will know when you’re ready to take action because the action will come from inspiration and not desperation.

Its good to wait until this shift occurs, then you will be inspired to take a course of action and the doors will open for you."

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Of course yes
More sapien medicine fields released into the universe is a clear yes


I agree! The ultimate field for money would also be great since many people are struggling :)

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I don’t believe in law of attraction or ester hicks, she is a scammer, here are 2 videos that explains it great

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Idk what to say about loa, but sometimes, when I think about someone, that someone calls me or writes me, etc.

Now, there are many explanations, yet I think that we attract what we think about, what we feel, etc.

We manifest things, with our Great Powers.

There are other “explanations”, that these theories, ideas are scams or that it all comes from “Satan” or whatever, but I personally don’t believe such things (that they all come from “The Dark Lord” lol).

Anyway, some ideas might be exaggerated and perhaps some people are frauds, idk.

They don’t come from satan lol

They are true, in theory, but can hurt you in real life.

Yes, you create your reality, but people take that shit too far. I am writing a post about it in other thread, check it out in 5 minutes or so :)

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I agree.

I will.

I just posted it here:

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