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"…you will know when you’re ready to take action because the action will come from inspiration and not desperation.

Its good to wait until this shift occurs, then you will be inspired to take a course of action and the doors will open for you."

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Of course yes
More sapien medicine fields released into the universe is a clear yes


I agree! The ultimate field for money would also be great since many people are struggling :)

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I don’t believe in law of attraction or ester hicks, she is a scammer, here are 2 videos that explains it great

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Idk what to say about loa, but sometimes, when I think about someone, that someone calls me or writes me, etc.

Now, there are many explanations, yet I think that we attract what we think about, what we feel, etc.

We manifest things, with our Great Powers.

There are other “explanations”, that these theories, ideas are scams or that it all comes from “Satan” or whatever, but I personally don’t believe such things (that they all come from “The Dark Lord” lol).

Anyway, some ideas might be exaggerated and perhaps some people are frauds, idk.

They don’t come from satan lol

They are true, in theory, but can hurt you in real life.

Yes, you create your reality, but people take that shit too far. I am writing a post about it in other thread, check it out in 5 minutes or so :)

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I agree.

I will.

I just posted it here:

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