Woven Worlds - Contentment Revisited

Yes it’s okay to put it on looping like cone of power similar


it’s not, captain already made clear what this does


I’m aware of what captain said. Perception of reality is subjective to each person in general and how he sees it.


I dunno what you said, I was just replying to gnostic.
Did i say something wrong again?


My apologies if i misunderstood.

You quoted Gnostic’s reply to what Mao and I said to him, i wouldnt have guessed you didnt read my comments, and it was me the one using the words now and acceptance/accepting

Last thing i want is to create further confusion in people. So i rather deleted them.


ahh okay

Generally the questions seems to gauge on, what to visualize
but its all done for you, it provides the energy for actions and pushes for the action to create it as a solid thing in reality.
It engages your subconscious to pay attention and make it happen as well.
along with actually doing the work in the background,
it tackles it from multiple angles.
each weaved world in the series will have a topic
that is what will be manifested.
Here it is contentment
I am not describing some poetic thing we can ideally aim for, and telling you it is possible, somehow somewhere.
I am saying it does this, the goal is the description of contentment, that picture.
Its set and programmed in the field.

It is not about feeling good about a bad situation, ‘my life is falling apart, but i feel great and content’
no, it is to ‘create’ the good situation.
Where you are happy and satisfied etc for yourself.

Its not best path on steroids, it is creating something new.
(contentment may just not be some people’s best path)
But having free will we can choose, here is a choice.


something like a field that hm…leads you to a better life with all means? for the individual person that uses it.




I feel this field is among others a solution to not knowing what you want/ not knowing what to do problem.
Better life is subjective and mine feeling of being content would be different than yours etc.
It is not hard to ‘get lost’ with amount of worldwievs and different perspectives that we encounter in present day because of internet, and how much information is avaible out there.
Many people on this forum had this problem or still struggle with it today, myself included.
Which was even more frustrating because of how many means we have to achive what we want, morphic fields, energy works, subliminals etc.
Also it is not really hard to decide something ok I want xyz and will work towards achieving xyz but then change your mind after some time, because xyz dont seem so appealing anymore and bcd looks like a better option.
After some time cycle would repeat without achieving much.
This field tells your brain what you REALLY want, create a concept out of this, and then aids you in achieving this.
Best Path In Life is focused on happines. but as strange as it may sound not everyone want to be happy in a way the concept of happines is expressed in field.
another guiding field I feel is Dream of Purity, but then again, for me personally being Purest possible version of myself is not that important.
So people often need different mixture of things to feel content, some would care about sex, some about social live, some about family, some about money etc etc.
But most likely it will be a highly personal mixture of those ‘‘things’’ that you need to feel content. To have everything you want and want everything you have.
Some people would prefer sex over purity for example, or power over happines. And this field willhelp you achieve exactly that.
Edit: of course I may be wrong, but thats how the field feels to me, and thats how I understood field’s description.


indeed, contentment is subjective,
the goal is clearly defined, the creation of it to that point is entirely perspective.


Will wearing best path in life clash? Or work complimentary? I just would like to know if I should take it off.


Should I take necklace best path off myself if I play this one all time @SammyG


Maybe best path guided you to buy and listen to this field.



we buy and use this first and then see whether we need to buy the second (Millions) :rofl: or we need something else and not millions… neat…




I’m guessing this would be great for those that listen to subliminals! (a lot of us practice the law of assumption for manifesting) Because if I’m understanding correctly, it just majorly enhances the methods/processes of manifesting, if you have a hard time or believing, vibration aligning, or maybe visualizing something is already yours, this field helps with that struggle or lack of the belief or visualization, consistency, etc… so that you yourself can manifest whatever faster and easier. It makes manifesting an easier process and you don’t have to try too hard with methods such as visualization, the 5x55 method (repetition), letting go, acting as if you already have it and etc… it will come to you naturally. I’m guessing, I apologize if I’m actually totally wrong though.

I’m wondering if this would work with physical body manifestations, like if I wanted a smaller upturned nose and imagined myself already looking like that, would it help with me manifest that?


Sounds good :sparkling_heart:

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¡¡¡Oye!!! hermosa familia!!! acabo de obtener este bebe!!! impresionate!!! Me dejé llevar por la descripción, piense en pequeño por el momento, simplemente deseo tener un billete de 10 soles, que equivale en mi país a 3 dolares, moneda de mi país!!! jeje 3 minutos despues, alguien me dio esa cantidad exacta!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

Foto evidencia! :grin::grin::grin:
Thank you for surprising me @Captain_Nemo !!! Thank you very much @SammyG !!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::heart::heart::heart:


I believe contentment and best path to be rather compatible actually. Millions is the one I could see not being compatible


So, Woven Worlds- Millions and Woven Worlds- Contenment will clash too?
I thought they will work synergistically
So Can I listen both of them or not?