Woven Worlds - The Journey of The Chosen One Revisited

Woven Worlds - Millionaire and Chosen One should be compatible. Captain confirmed that. I am thinking of using both.


Famous. Rich and successful. :heart_eyes::crazy_face:


How can this be done? By playing all these fields simultaneously in three different devices or by playing one by one? @SammyG thank you in advance.

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They already included in this series. Cone of power is powerful for specific desired you want. But you must put clear intention while using it. But with this woven series. The intention of (being famous for example) is already on set. So you left with just playing the field without thinking of the desired outcome. Because the field doing it automatically

You don’t need to play cone of power anymore with this one. Of course if you want a specific manifestation outside of these ( woven world Series)

You might need cone of power alone to get what you want ( food or holiday)

If you want to be famous. Then this one is good enough.

But if you want to be rich and famous. You can get the million one as well.

But if you just want to be content in life. No famous included. Then you can just get the contentment one for that.

That’s why choose your destiny. This field will do it automatically. It makes it simple and easier for specific manifestations.


Thanks @anon25711007, it makes sense!


Got this few days ago:

Noticed that everyone at my work had something to say to me and i kept getting mixed in the middle of things. Im also getting looks from a lot more people. Also gives me a positive vibe.

I can see this pushing your aura and glamour out to a huge scale. You can feel it.

This is just what i’ve seen thus far.


I’m intrigued by this one as a social field; I like the charisma and glamour field.

Anyone have any more reports on their experiences with this one?


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It could be, Maybe you’ll be one of our first celebrities from the Sapien forums.


I think the key there would be for you to be really clear on what you’re meaning and wanting from your “social” field.

The item description says that the end result that this field pushes you towards is fame. And for some people, the idea, attitude and energy of fame (for them) mayn’t jibe with the idea, attitude and energy of “social.” (Think of how rock stars have millions of adoring fans but aren’t necessarily social with them, as one example.)


I’m not really looking for anything in particular. I guess what I mean by “social” is everyday interactions with people around you. I know it affects only you directly, I’m wondering how it has affected those who have the field, in the context of their everyday lives not pertaining to any social media goal. I don’t have an aim; I’m mostly curious.


Woven Worlds Millions has that effect.


How exciting :D
I am very tempted to get this when I have a comfortable amount of money.


I just bought this. I’ll uh… keep y’all updated and stuff :flushed:


Been using this for 1 week…
Last weekend I played at a party doing the warm up for the main dj of the night. Had a couple compliments from the boss, friends and even the main dj asked an id of a track, repeating I have a good taste.
Also I’m getting more followers than usual, not that much but it’s working.
I been noticing more looks on me, like a shift in my aura.
btw I use other powerful audios like ww millions & the welcomed


Guys how does this affect your social cinfidence? I’ve seen @SammyG put this field on the stack list “fame/ social confidence”, so I’m curious if this field makes you feel more confident.
@Azura @Drew what are you experiences so far?

Would love to know!

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Idk about what you mean by confidence but Its feels like that courage you get from alcohol but without the drink, like no second thoughts of what to say / do


Oh really? That sounds good. I’ll think about buying it than :thinking::sunglasses:

How much money do you have? I have seen that you are buying several expensive audios and nft. Don’t abandon your community projects, get involved so you can get what you want.

@dagon Focus on yourself man I’ve got money