Woven Worlds - The Journey of The Chosen One Revisited

It’s just my supposition, but I think it was meant that it is available for that use, not included in the field. This is taken from the original description.

and when you reach this level, remember we have the Financial Protector to keep your money energetically clean and well appreciated.

wording changed in OP. Thanks!


Yes i thought so as well :slightly_smiling_face:.
I thought for those unfamiliar with it, may not have realized that

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the new image looks wild :fire:

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I really like it :raised_hands:

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Has anyone persisted with this field? Thinking back, I remember that I listened to this audio when I went back to university and I really started to make myself known despite not speaking much and for the first time I could say that I belonged to the “popular” group although I couldn’t quite fit in. Afterwards, I simply left it and returned to my usual fame. It probably worked and I didn’t appreciate it because at that time I thought I no longer needed it, but it definitely worked if my unconscious goal at that time was to be a good student (that cycle I placed 1st in several of my courses).


I am using it regularly in my stack (3 times per day x 2) with the goal of developing an artistic career and recognition as such and so-far it’s been a little bit slow going, but maybe it’ll begin picking up, there’s been some developments recently. :slight_smile: I have, like, traumas and whatnot related to my chosen field and I’m working on resolving them so maybe that was blocking the field from unleashing properly, who knows.


I hadn’t used this one in a while. For a change I decided I’d run it 3 in a row. I felt like a movie star with everyone’s attention :laughing: on the inside I’m just an introvert! On the outside I could’ve been one of the Kardashian’s (don’t know who to compare it too, sorry those K girls are annoying- I’ve never watched an episode to my defence) and tbh I’ve tuned out of mainstream Hollywood and the music industry too. But back to my point. This can be used to open doors for you. Think I’ll give the WW millions another go 3 x’s too.


How did it go?

@mygirlauren An anon name followed by numbers indicates a person who is no longer on the forum



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