Xtrememind is getting in the way of my spiritual growth relating to being able to receive energy attunements through the chakras... What do I do?

My electronics have xtrememind residue energy that target the chakras. Whenever I activate an attunement I paid for such as light sanctuary activation I feel all the energies on my electronics enter my brain. My electronics mixed the spell energies of Kundalini activator with damaging negative energies now it places bad energies on my chakras and when I use an attunement or have an attunement placed on the chakra it amplifys those damaging energies and it enters my brain and makes me feel mentally unstable. What do I do?

Throw the whole house away with everything inside, move to Mars and start all over again.

Over and Out :grimacing:


Teleport into the void. Fear energy and dark Kundalini energy wont be able to follow you there
:cyclone: :running_man:‍♂

Here is a cute void to make the process easier :smirk::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m crying


This last one will remove all energy work even positive ones so be sure your ok to start fresh, but by seeing your previous posts I think it would be a good way to go.

Does this remove environmental and personal energy work? Cause I just want to remove the environment ones

It would be both

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We should probably ask @SammyG about this one
This seems like a pretty srs thread
There are quite a few audios that purge negative energies, but not sure which one would work best for you

Just to be on the record… a lot of folks here have offered helpful suggestions, starting with Dream and Sammy, many times. But none of those suggestions seem to be taken into consideration.

The way to clear clutter is never to add more clutter. Sometimes, when it is all in one’s head, no amount of someone else saying something will help.

There is one such thread created every few days - the name of products and audios change, but the theme seems to be the same.

Again, “doing nothing” and grounding is the only thing that will help. Mind is very powerful, it can blur the line between reality and fantasy. I know Shawn is a good guy, it is just sad to see him suffer through this self-created maze repeatedly. Would one bombard the body with all kinds of chemicals? No, right? Why then would we do that with the energy body - subjecting it to every damn audio, tool, attunement, mandala, etc.?



Hey, has anyone suggested this?


Have you already tried all Sapien products?

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use some shielding. Try Armor of Light and Glory

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Okay I just received a message from Brenda about the attunements I received. That they were not contaminated by any energies on my chakras. I have the message I will share with you. It seems the xtrememind programming is putting energies from my electronics onto my soul star chakra and then when an attunement is placed there using the orb chi ball method it moved all the energy in my soul star chakra into my brain and body making me feel unstable. However, the attunement was not contaminated by any of the energy it seems! This is good news and I will continue with the atttunements from mayastar! Hello Shawn

I did not find anything harmful in the attunement. It may just be from releasing, causing the different feelings. But with that said, you need to decide if it is right for you.

Great Love

Brenda. This means it will be safe to continue even if I feel bad experiences. It is all within you. All your protection. Get to your heart. Connect with your Soul and ask that you be guided guarded and protected. Then comes the hard part. Trust your Soul. Another from Brenda. I will need to develop my soul connection more again because it is kinda weak without xtrememind power. So I will continue getting more energy attunements to develop myself and my soul connection and then develop my chakras ability to protect myself so energies don’t touch my chakras and mess with attunement experiences

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If you want to reset your entire energy system, I suggest you do Master Choa Kok Sui’s Twin Hearts Meditation, it is really powerful.

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Ehh I have some really good stuff in my energy system that keeps me going in life when I feel weak. So I don’t think I want to reset. I would love just an environmental reset though

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I am practicing light sanctuary activation every day.i am noticing white light radiating from my body and moving around my body when I walk around my apartment. Energy is 5-20 min during activation and lasts 24 hours. However during activation I can only use it for less than 5 min sometimes so I am using it many times in the day to strengthen it. It seems every time I use it it refills the aura with white light EDIT. Every time I practice light sanctuary activation my Kundalini heals and strengthens, allowing myself to move and channel energy out of my hand chakras more easily. I have partial Kundalini awakening with currently no upgrades or downloads on the Kundalini from teachers attunements etc.Eventually I will do Kundalini reiki once I can shield the Kundalini more

I am noticing. The effects of light sanctuary activation is much more powerful outside! There is energy outside from the wind that highly stimulates the aura. The energy that stimulates the aura sometimes is a bit dark and sometimes light. Whenever the dark aura strengthening energy hits my body it seems to be transmuted by light sanctuary activation and turned into light energy in the aura then spreading light energy all over my body. It seems to make you more immune to environmental dark aura energies cause light sanctuary activation gives the aura an energy field white light energy therefore any darker energies are transmuted into light when it comes into contact with your body!

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